Bonus Points To Those Who Recognize The Movie Reference


Adorable how loser is screeching for attention. :)
Nobody guessed the movie? That's very disappointing.

A 12-year-old boy has died in India of Nipah, a rare virus that is far deadlier than COVID-19 — and one that health officials have long feared could start a global pandemic

The unidentified boy died Sunday at a hospital in Kerala, the southern state already battling the highest number of COVID-19 cases in the hard-hit country, officials there said.

He had already visited two other hospitals before his death, putting him in contact with potentially hundreds of people — with up to 11 showing potential symptoms, NDTV reported.

Authorities sealed off the area within about a two-mile radius of the boy's home, and they were screening people for symptoms in all adjoining districts of Kerala state. The neighboring state of Tamil Nadu was also on high alert for any suspect cases of fever.

Dustin Hoffman gives it away. 'Outbreak'.

Aren't YOU one of the people that think MORE PEOPLE is a good idea?

Good. I'm glad you are able to connect the dots.
Some here, think you can SOLVE the Water Shortage out West with MORE PEOPLE.
Similarly, some people aren't able to connect degradation of the Environment with MORE PEOPLE being the Source.
Good. I'm glad you are able to connect the dots.
Some here, think you can SOLVE the Water Shortage out West with MORE PEOPLE.
Similarly, some people aren't able to connect degradation of the Environment with MORE PEOPLE being the Source.

In this case the water well is the source of a deadly virus. I suppose the more people drink from it, the worse it will be.