Books don’t kill people, people do


When you ban books you are not saving lives

That murder you wish to stop by banning books would have happened anyway

The murderer could have just grabbed the candlestick in the parlor


The lead pipe in the library

But letting someone read that book just might make them feel sad

So we should ban that book from the study
When you ban books you are not saving lives

That murder you wish to stop by banning books would have happened anyway

The murderer could have just grabbed the candlestick in the parlor


The lead pipe in the library

But letting someone read that book just might make them feel sad

So we should ban that book from the study

Banners are always the bad people.
The right is completely insane

They make no sense and every thing they pretend to get mad about exposes their utter hypocrisy
When you ban books you are not saving lives

That murder you wish to stop by banning books would have happened anyway

The murderer could have just grabbed the candlestick in the parlor


The lead pipe in the library

But letting someone read that book just might make them feel sad

So we should ban that book from the study

What the FUCK are you babbling on about?
When you ban books you are not saving lives

That murder you wish to stop by banning books would have happened anyway

The murderer could have just grabbed the candlestick in the parlor


The lead pipe in the library

But letting someone read that book just might make them feel sad

So we should ban that book from the study

This is tongue and cheek fool

Your just to slow brained to get it