

Doesn't matter what book you want .... we ain't got it!


I have to admit to not having the faintest idea how to get pictures on to this thing, but here goes. If it hasnt worked you have missed nothing.
Wong Fook Hing...

I have to admit, I grinned. Almost as much as I grinned when Wei Wong was reporting on how Wong Wei (not kidding, both names are real) had crashed his plane into a US spy plane.

Here is a picture of the result:

Is he a transplanted Liverpudlian?

Could be. But could also be a Glaswegion, Aberdonian or even someone from Yorkshire. Rather depends how one perceives the sound made by 'fook' and that depends on which part of China Mr Wong hails from and the colour of the sky at the moment of his conception. (just joking)
What would you like to say about books?

Nothing in particular. I'm always on the lookout for a recommendation. I've been on a Cormac McCarthy kick for a while but I've read pretty much everything he's published so I'm looking for something new.
Nothing in particular. I'm always on the lookout for a recommendation. I've been on a Cormac McCarthy kick for a while but I've read pretty much everything he's published so I'm looking for something new.

I suppose it all depends on which part of the journey through life you presently find yourself on. I am doing my best to cover all those books I should have read years ago. My debt to myself I suppose. Re-reading a few lighter tomes too.
Best books ever:

Michner: Hawaii

Aczel: Entanglement

Lindley: Uncertainty

Feynman: 6 Easy Pieces, 6 Not so Easy Pieces

Buchanan: A Republic, not an Empire (so called conservatives should read this one)

Orwell: 1984, Animal Farm

Zamyatin: We
Best books ever:

Michner: Hawaii

Aczel: Entanglement

Lindley: Uncertainty

Feynman: 6 Easy Pieces, 6 Not so Easy Pieces

Buchanan: A Republic, not an Empire (so called conservatives should read this one)

Orwell: 1984, Animal Farm

Zamyatin: We
You didn't include any Sci-Fi Beefy.

How about;

Miller: A Canticle For Liebowitz
Nothing in particular. I'm always on the lookout for a recommendation. I've been on a Cormac McCarthy kick for a while but I've read pretty much everything he's published so I'm looking for something new.

The Book of Basketball The NBa According to the Sports Guy by Bill Simmons

Only 50 pages in but it is awesome and hilarious!

Oh, and I got the new biography of Ayn Rand. I'm sure you all will love that one as well.