Borat and the Greedy Whiners


Atheist Missionary
Nov. 12, 2006 — Some unwitting stars of the hit comedy "Borat" don't get the joke.

Most recently, Britain's Daily Mail newspaper reported that villagers in the Kazakh town of Glod, where Baron Cohen filmed scenes, feel that they were tricked and ripped off by the actor and his producers.

Psenicska and several others said they were duped into participating in the film. At least three people who appeared in the film claim a producer handed them cash to distract them from the release form that followed.

"I saw $500 and signed it," Psenicska said. "I thought nothing about it because I would release them to do a documentary."

Car salesman Jim Sell said he also was deceived by the lure of cold-hard cash when the producers of Borat approached him to participate at the Criswell Chevrolet car dealership in Gaithersburg, Md.

"They put [the release] in front of me right when they were giving me the $150," Sell said.

He didn't read through the release because the crew had already started filming. Sell also worries that his reputation as a dealer of fine vehicles will be tarnished by the implication that he sold Borat an ice-cream truck. (For the record, he did not.)

They were quick to snap the cash up, and now bitch that THEY didn't read the release forms??????
SBC is one of the greatest British comics in decades, a new Peter Sellers...

And the guy has huge balls, especially the Rodeo scene....
Dude is hilarious. And he never steps out of character. Even on interviews for his movie he consistently remains "Borat".
These stupid people should be claiming how they participated in the film as joke and knew what they were doing .

Especialy the car dealer!

he should be marketing that He was in the film and hire a guy to go around acting like Borats cousin that he hired on the lot!
Nov. 12, 2006 — Some unwitting stars of the hit comedy "Borat" don't get the joke.

Most recently, Britain's Daily Mail newspaper reported that villagers in the Kazakh town of Glod, where Baron Cohen filmed scenes, feel that they were tricked and ripped off by the actor and his producers.

Psenicska and several others said they were duped into participating in the film. At least three people who appeared in the film claim a producer handed them cash to distract them from the release form that followed.

"I saw $500 and signed it," Psenicska said. "I thought nothing about it because I would release them to do a documentary."

Car salesman Jim Sell said he also was deceived by the lure of cold-hard cash when the producers of Borat approached him to participate at the Criswell Chevrolet car dealership in Gaithersburg, Md.

"They put [the release] in front of me right when they were giving me the $150," Sell said.

He didn't read through the release because the crew had already started filming. Sell also worries that his reputation as a dealer of fine vehicles will be tarnished by the implication that he sold Borat an ice-cream truck. (For the record, he did not.)

They were quick to snap the cash up, and now bitch that THEY didn't read the release forms??????

Roughly 20-30 percent of the American population is functionally illiterate and another 20 percent can't understand what they read when they take the time to read it. And many of these people are college graduates. I spent nearly four hours one day trying to help a graduate of USC read a NYT story which I had posted on another message board a few years ago. I literally had to take him through the story word-by-word three times to get him to understand that the story actually said what I said it said. The New Yotk Times is written at the eleventh grade level, which is high school. Most local papers are written at the 7th grade level, which is grade school. TV is easier it's written at the fourth grade level and many TV personalities can't read the script properly. That experience proved to me that many college graduates could sue for a reimbursement of all or part of their tuition monies if they could show that they graduate from college still unable to read at the high school level.

So generally most people in America don't or can't tread anything they sign. And apparently it's the same all over. Personally, someone puts $500 cold hard currency in my hand and I would sign just about anything. Not because I couldn't or wouldn't read it but because for $500 right now I wouldn't give a damn what I was signing away as long as it wasn't the five hundred dollars I had just been given.

P.S. The graduate of USC who couldn't read is a hard core Republican. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
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I really enjoyed the movie, the only part that bothered me was not knowing what part was real and what part was acting on the cheractors other than Borat!
I really enjoyed the movie, the only part that bothered me was not knowing what part was real and what part was acting on the cheractors other than Borat!

Sacha Baron Cohen was the only actor. The rest were all genuine members of the public......
Clearly there were some others acting...

He did not marry the hooker from Georgia in real life!
Sorry about the spoiler...

Also Pamela Anderson was in on it as well... at least thats what I read.
YES! Go see movie! Best movie ever made! America make Borat very rich and happy man! Pay no attention to jew loving liars who bring false charge on Borat. These are greedy pig who conspire with jew to, how you say? ...take piece of Borat pie. I assure you, not to worry, I have secured lawyer to represent me for $99.95 and 80% of settlement, and sex with my sister, we take all of lying jew lover's money and crush him like grape.
I know this is supposed to be stchick, but I'm not really comfortable with the Jew this and Jew that.

I know, no one cares.

But it's not cool.

Yes, this is problem with world, everywhere is jew this-jew that. Is why we say in my country, throw the jew down the well.

Good to see woman with plow experience again. Some tell me you have pictures of you naked with other womens? Borat hope to see one day on internets? no?