Boston marathon bombing happened on same day as 'controlled explosion' drill by Bosto


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Boston marathon bombing happened on same day as 'controlled explosion' drill by Boston bomb squad
Monday, April 15, 2013
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor of

Bomb squad was running "controlled explosion" on the same day
What's not yet being reported by the mainstream media is that a "controlled explosion" was under way on the same day as the marathon explosion.

As the Boston Globe tweeted today, "Officials: There will be a controlled explosion opposite the library within one minute as part of bomb squad activities."

Some people believe this explosion might have been part of the demolition of another bomb. It seems unlikely, however, that a bomb at the library, one mile away, could be so quickly located and rigged to be exploded by the bomb squad in less than one hour following the initial explosions at the marathon.

Furthermore, according to, a University of Mobile's Cross Country Coach said there were bomb-sniffing dogs at both the start and finish lines, long before any explosions went off. He said:

"They kept making announcements on the loud speaker that it was just a drill and there was nothing to worry about. It seemed like there was some sort of threat, but they kept telling us it was just a drill.

Learn more:
770. Drill in “Boston bombing” and “Texas explosion” (5/7/2013)

I had pointed out that in most of the “terror attack” cases alleged done by the Feds, they always planned drills which were identical to the terror case to assure the success of the plot. The perpetrators – if being caught – would defend themselves as practitioners of the drill. see “688. Anti-terror drill - bizarre coincidence (9/29/2011)”. Some of the practitioners might really thought it was a drill. That was what happened in 7/7/2005 London bombing. The drill became real bombing, the practitioners became sacrifice. After 7/7 London bombing, the informants work for the Feds have been rattled by the fate of those four “suicide bombers”, similar trick couldn’t be used again. So Tsarnaev brothers probably were told to prepare for the content of their backpack by themselves. The material might relate to a bomb – Pressure cooker; firecrackers; remote control toys….. only it was not installed into a real one. So they were sure they would be safe in a “drill”. It was true. But it didn’t prevent their master to plant real bomb at site by someone else.

I think Tsarnaev brothers were recruited informants of the Feds, work as a cover up team – S.S.G.(special support group). When the Feds had a big plot, they used to activate a lot of S.S.G. to help the success of the plot and play the role of witness.

The style of Tsarnaev brother cell is similar to another cell – Muhammad and Malvo cell in D.C. sniper case. (The sniper killing case was created to threaten law makers to pass the bill (H. J. Res 114) to authorize the use of armed force against Iraq in 2002. see #101 to #128. ) In these family cells, Tamerlan (Muhammad in sniper case) was the leader and Dzhokhar (Malvo in sniper case) was the follower. There were pick up as sacrifice because they were minority – Muhammad and Malvo are blacks and Tsarnaev brothers are Chechens. The leader, Tamerlan was put into death, (so was Muhammad) because they knew more than their followers. Dzhokhar and Malvo are in jail (you can imagine what they would be)

Boston marathon bombing happened on same day as 'controlled explosion' drill by Boston bomb squad 2REDRfcrK

Another official drill goes live after Texas fertilizer plant explosion
Texas explosion
April 18, 2013

Coming to light Thursday, only hours after a huge industrial explosion took out a Texas fertilizer plant, also taking out a portion of the small town of West, TX, potentially injuring or killing hundreds more, just so happens to be a little more than an hour’s drive from a huge hospital drill, coincidentally scheduled for the very same day.

The Texas fertilizer plant explosion is not a “terror attack” but as unusual as the Feds’ style. What do they want?

There is a Pacific Gas and electricity terminal near Milpitas Library. I am impressed by the huge pipes on the ground which is several blocks away from the library. I passed by that site sometimes when I go to Wal-Mart after leaving the library. It reminds me of the massive natural gas explosion that killed eight people and destroyed an entire neighborhood in San Bruno, CA, on Sept. 9, 2010. I think The Texas fertilizer plant explosion was created to justify an Utility gas explosion in Bay Area for a murder purpose.
They were liberal terrorists.
Educated to hate the USA in the people's republic of Cambridge.

And the Cambridge syringe and Latin indoctrination center.

All liberals are terrorists.
688. Anti-terror drill - bizarre coincidence (9/29/2011)

In big plot, the Feds used to organize a similar exercise too, to assure its success.
In 7/22/2011 Norway terror attack:
Norwegian Police Confirm Drill Identical to Breivik’s Attack
• Kurt Nimmo August 26, 2011

The Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten reports today police sources have confirmed that hours before Anders Behring Breivik launched his deadly attack at a political summer camp on Utøya island on July 22, police had conducted a drill for a “practically identical scenario.”

“Sources within the top level management of the police in Oslo have confirmed to Aftenposten that the drill finished at 15:00 that same Friday,” the newspaper reports. “All of the officers from the anti-terror unit that later took part at the bombsite at the government buildings and went out to Utøya to apprehend Anders Behring Breivik had been training on the exact same scenario earlier the same day and in the days preceding,” writes Andreas Bakke Foss.

The bomb attributed to Breivik went off only 26 minutes after the anti-terror drill finished, according to officials.

In 7/7/2005 London bombing: (The plot known with Hurricane Katrina, ended on 9/24/2005)

7/7 Mock Terror Drill: What Relationship to the Real Time Terror Attacks?
by Michel Chossudovsky August 8, 2005
A fictional "scenario" of multiple bomb attacks on London's underground took place at exactly the same time as the bomb attack on July 7, 2005.
Peter Power, Managing Director of Visor Consultants, a private firm on contract to the London Metropolitan Police, described in a BBC interview how he had organized and conducted the anti-terror drill, on behalf of an unnamed business client.
The fictional scenario was based on simultaneous bombs going off at exactly the same time at the underground stations where the real attacks were occurring:

In famous 911/2001 terror attack:

Was the NRO's 9/11 Drill Just a Coincidence?

Posted By: ChristopherBollyn Date: Friday, 1-Nov-2002 16:24:12

U.S. SPY Satellite Agency’s Mock 9/11 Drill Exposes Administration Lies
By Christopher Bollyn
American Free Press

The NRO, which works closely with the Dept. of Defense and CIA, had planned a simulated exercise in which a small jet “crashes” into one of the four towers at the agency's headquarters on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001. The government said it was a “bizarre coincidence” that one of the most important U.S. intelligence agencies had planned a mock plane-into-building crash on Sept. 11, according to the Associated Press who reported the story on August 22.

All those drills were identical to the coming "terror attack" and happened at same time at same place. They played mission to cover up the main attack. In case the perpetrators were found by the security guard at the site, they would pass the security check by disguising as part of the exercise. Here is how it interrupted the air defense:

9/11 War Games
paralysis of air defenses to ensure the attack succeeded?

"Is this real world or an exercise?" Col. Robert K. Marr Jr. Northeast
Air Defense Sector.

simulation of a plane crash into the NRO headquarters (near Dulles Airport, Virginia) - this was not a "terrorism" exercise but it did result in the evacuation of most NRO employees just as the "real" 9/11 was taking place, making it more difficult for the nation's spy satellites to be used to track the hijacked planes

The publicly available mass media articles about these exercises state that they were similar enough to the actual events that top NORAD personnel were confused, not sure if 9/11 was "part of the drill" or a real world event.

Since 911, the “bizarre coincidence" becomes routine job.



Where the blood came from. Bleeding lady.
Magic bomb function. It damages things into pieces. Yet the original pack remains near complete.


Black ash burned by powder.


AWARD-WINNING PHOTO: Man with torn cloths, but no sign of any cuts or wounds. Is this really possible?


FBI bag photo. Even the logo remains complete without a trace of burn.
Magic bomb function. The glass liter indicates the explosion wave was from inside the building so the broken glass fallen outwards. Does the Boston bomb had a sucking wave?


full crowd would cause large casualty. Obviously it was not the purpose of "terrorists". Too much outsiders would make actors’ work hard and also there were too many professional sports photographers at rush time. That would leave many high quality photos to expose the truth. That’s why they didn’t detonate the bomb at peak rushing time.


Bomb exploded much later when there were much less people in finish line. For the convenience of actors’ performance.
