Both parents of kamala harris are foreigners! Is kammy a natural born citizen?

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Shades of the Kenyan. Were her parents american citizens when kammy was born.? It was 60 years ago and there is no way to know now. She should not be allowed to run for the presidency.

Kamala Devi Harris was born in Oakland, California,[11] on October 20, 1964.[12] Her mother, Shyamala Gopalan, was a Tamil Indian biologist,. She moved to the United States from India as a 19-year-old graduate student in 1958. Kamala Harris's Jamaican American father, Donald J. Harris, is of Afro-Jamaican and Irish-Jamaican ancestry.[17] He is a Stanford University professor of economics (emeritus) who arrived in the United States from British Jamaica in 1961,

Shades of the Kenyan. Were her parents american citizens when kammy was born.? It was 60 years ago and there is no way to know now. She should not be allowed to run for the presidency.
Harris was born in Oakland, CA. That makes her a natural born citizen at birth regardless of her parent's nationality. She is not running for president.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside." 14th amendment
Harris was born in Oakland, CA. That makes her a natural born citizen at birth regardless of her parent's nationality. She is not running for president.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside." 14th amendment

But if her mother was not a citizen of america , then kammy inherited the citizenship of her mother at birth and was not subject to the political jurisdiction of america. Birthright citizenship is NOT in the constitution. THINK
Shades of the Kenyan. Were her parents american citizens when kammy was born.? It was 60 years ago and there is no way to know now. She should not be allowed to run for the presidency.

But if her mother was not a citizen of america , then kammy inherited the citizenship of her mother at birth and was not subject to the political jurisdiction of america. Birthright citizenship is NOT in the constitution. THINK
The 14th amendment makes those born in the U. S. natural born citizens.

"Under the 14th Amendment's Naturalization Clause and the Supreme Court case of United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 US. 649, anyone born on U.S. soil and subject to its jurisdiction is a natural born citizen, regardless of parental citizenship......

In some rare cases, a person born within the United States may not be a citizen if that person is not subject to U.S. jurisdiction. In Wong Kim Ark, the Supreme Court identifies two specific examples of people not subject to U.S. jurisdiction:
  • Children born of alien enemies in hostile occupation
  • Children of diplomatic representatives"
Wong Kim Ark was born in the U. S. of Chinese parents. Chinese were not eligible for U. S. citizenship. The court ruled he was a natural born citizen because he was born in the U. S.
But if her mother was not a citizen of america , then kammy inherited the citizenship of her mother at birth and was not subject to the political jurisdiction of america. Birthright citizenship is NOT in the constitution. THINK
It is clearly written in the Constitution for that very purpose. A person born in the U. S. is not subject to the jurisdiction of any foreign nation except in certain narrow circumstances like being the children of foreign diplomats.
The 14th amendment makes those born in the U. S. natural born citizens.
No it doesn't. How many times must we explain this? The 14A says if you are born in america and SUBJECT TO THE JURISDICTION THEREOF, then you are a US citizen. If your mother is illegal then you inherit her nationality and you are subject to the political jurisdiction of that country. THINK
No it doesn't. How many times must we explain this? The 14A says if you are born in america and SUBJECT TO THE JURISDICTION THEREOF, then you are a US citizen. If your mother is illegal then you inherit her nationality and you are subject to the political jurisdiction of that country. THINK
Not true. You misinterpret the "jurisdiction thereof" term. Federal law on citizenship clearly says those born in the U. S. are American citizens. It then explains the jurisdiction part. It applies to children of foreign diplomats and similar categories.

A person born in the U. S. whose parents are citizens of France are not under the jurisdiction of France in any way. France has no authority over that person. You have to keep explaining it because you keep getting it wrong.

If your mother is illegal (or legal) and a citizen of Mexico, what authority do you think Mexico has over you? People born in the U. S. have qualified for citizenship for many years.

Case law supports this view. Many of us are citizens because we were born here. If your mother migrated to the U. S. she was not a citizen and probably did not beome a citien; but, you are a citizen because you were born in the U. S.

Not true. You misinterpret the "jurisdiction thereof" term. Federal law on citizenship clearly says those born in the U. S. are American citizens. It then explains the jurisdiction part. It applies to children of foreign diplomats and similar categories.
The 14A says nothing about children of foreign diplomats.
Harris was born in Oakland, CA. That makes her a natural born citizen at birth regardless of her parent's nationality. She is not running for president.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside." 14th amendment
The VP by definition has to be a natural born citizen because they have to be able to take the position of President if necessary.