Bottled water may lead to sexual perversions

(Excerpt) Sexual Liberation in Fish Is Nothing to Celebrate.

BPA exposure breaks down boundaries, causes interspecies experimentation in fish.

Despite ongoing health concerns about the endocrine-disrupting chemical known as BPA -- that it may promote breast cancer growth, for instance, harm sperm quality, or cause erectile dysfunction -- the Food and Drug Administration has yet to come down hard on the use of the substance in consumer products. It's still regularly found in our water bottles, soda cans, and even receipts.

But while we might look past threats to our own health, a new study published yesterday in the journal Evolutionary Applications linking BPA to inter-species mating in fish may be troubling enough to make the issue worth revisiting.

The study, which looked at the mating behavior between blacktail shiners and red shiners that spent two weeks in BPA-contaminated tanks, found that the substance messed with the fishes' hormones enough to cause changes in both appearance and behavior, culminating in an all-out cross-species lovefest.

While one could be open-minded about the possibilities deriving from such behavior -- hybrid superfish? A new dinner item?………Might other species take their cue from the shiners and get funny ideas? Could the shiners tire of their aquatic options and start trolling the river banks for land species? That's to say nothing about what inner urges BPA exposure might cause in humans...(End)

Fish trolling the river banks for land species! A cross-species love fest!

They say image is everything. Perhaps it might be a good idea to leave one's water bottle at home when walking the dog.

Just saying.
No, his defense will be that the bitch is lying. Awfully convenient that this would come out now. You libs will look for ANY excuse to lynch the guy.

Yes , the bitch is lying is the most popular defense of most sex offenders. And they always have vocal supporters helping them but the bitch in her place and keep her mouth shut.
didn't you get the memo?
Please contaminate the oceans with plastics that take 100,000's of years to degrade, flush your bilge tanks, and generally use it as a landfill.

The oceans are REALLY BIG!! Dump as much as you want, it's just fine - nothing to see here, move along.