Boxcutters on a plane!


Well-known member
Ohhh ya, we are soo much safer now...

My wife flew this weekend, I left Thursday night.... and she met me Friday night. After she was on the plane she realized she had accidently left in her purse a BOXCUTTER she uses for work. Out of fear of being arrested she just kept her purse closed and did not open it till we were out of the airport.

So I ask if my wife can accidently carry boxcutters on a plane, the weapon of choice of the 9-11 hijackers... why cant a trained terrorist?
I presume you're wife doesn't look middle eastern? Its a scientifically proven fact that only middle eastern looking people can carry out terrorist acts.
The same happened with me...sort of...about a year after 9/11 we went to Jamaica...and I had a 7 inch long diamond dusted metal, fingernail file and these were banned....when I was on the plane I discovered it in my purse along with a small pocket knife, none of which was caught in security. I felt so guilty and also did not know what to do, so I just kept my mouth shut. And on the way back from Montego Bay, I made sure that none of those things were in my purse!
Nice going. Al Queda is now reading this saying we need to recruit some white guys for this mission.

Get some Albanians and have them bleach their hair. Bingo!
Nice going. Al Queda is now reading this saying we need to recruit some white guys for this mission.

Get some Albanians and have them bleach their hair. Bingo!

Thats exatly why I have always said racial profiling is a dumb idea... It would not take much to get a white person do do the smuggling...
Actually, all of this has been in the news with other people that have intentionally tested "the security system" by smuggling in banned items...

I would not worry about the nailfiles or box cutters anymore, as a real threat....because we know that Americans will NO LONGER let box cutters hold them back from stopping terrorists on planes.....shoot, a cigarette lighter was enough for the passengers/flight attendant to attack and restrain that Reed guy, the shoe bomber....