I guess that since he has solved the Middle East peace issue, he is now free to solve the CV PPE issue.
You would think that this Jr. "Con-man" would at least understand that the FEDERAL government is the backstop of the 50 states, and not a disinterested and unconnected entity.
Maybe he should focus more of his time on orchestrating more "benefits" for Kushner Company via Stimulous money and leave the basic civics issues to the middle schoolers.
Then again, I am sure that the jealous "Ivankalusters" think that he is simply brilliant!
I guess that since he has solved the Middle East peace issue, he is now free to solve the CV PPE issue.
You would think that this Jr. "Con-man" would at least understand that the FEDERAL government is the backstop of the 50 states, and not a disinterested and unconnected entity.
Maybe he should focus more of his time on orchestrating more "benefits" for Kushner Company via Stimulous money and leave the basic civics issues to the middle schoolers.
Then again, I am sure that the jealous "Ivankalusters" think that he is simply brilliant!