"Boy" Foley sent internet sex to was NOT underage after all, actually an adult


"Boy" Foley sent internet sex to was NOT underage after all, actually an adult

When the actual exchange happened for internet sex, the so called "boy" was actually an adult:

"ABC headlined the story: "New Foley Instant Messages; Had Internet Sex While Awaiting House Vote"

But upon reviewing the records, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned, the young man was in fact over the age of 18 at the time of the exchange."

Another Liberal media lie exposed.
wow dano phew thats good to know...

might as well ignore the sexual harrassment of it all.

defend any R to the end eh??

I'm not saying it clears him, just that it was not as bad as how the media deceivingly portrayed it. Either way I want him gone forever.

But come on, you really have to contrast this shit to the Dem party, they were far worse and the media NEVER made anywhere near this amount of a big deal about it:

For example:
Former Rep. Gerry Studds. He was censured for sexual relationship with underage male page in 1983. Massachusetts voters returned him to office for six more terms.

And he had an actual PHYSICAL relationship, not just text messages.

The double standard is what really ticks me off, personally I could give a shit if Foley was castrated.
If this person was infact over 18 at the time, then I have to say, my outrage will be subdued significantly. I still think he is a perv though, although, I don't think any legal should be taken against him. although, I'll wait for major news networks to pick up the story before I pass any judgement.
That's only one of them. Wasn't this a pattern for him? I await judgement myself.

Either way, that seat is lost to the GOP, and probably more of them than just that one. When it appears they attempted to hide it until after election time it really hurts their chances significantly.
The fact remains that Foley was a sexual deviant and it would only be a matter of time before he did something really bad. Glad he is outed.
Who demanded Foley resign before he did? If I remember correctly there sere some defending him on here until the news broke that he had resigned.

I am sure had Foley stayed on there would have been plenty of cons on here defending him!
Jarod, some say that sex behavior doesn't matter. And well Foley didn't even have sex, he just wrote some bad emails. But that is enought for me.
Who demanded Foley resign before he did? If I remember correctly there sere some defending him on here until the news broke that he had resigned.

I am sure had Foley stayed on there would have been plenty of cons on here defending him!
I believe that his resignation was the first we heard of it on this board. I don't believe that anybody was defending this before that came out.
The first I heard of this story was that Foley had resigned. Seems he did it pretty quck. Guess he was not proud of his homosexuality.

Hey US what about Jeffersons who still has support in the dem camp? He is still serving isn't he. Talk about your corruption.........But that, like your post is another story.
I believe that his resignation was the first we heard of it on this board. I don't believe that anybody was defending this before that came out.

No there was a thread about 10 min's before the dude resigned... Ill look for it!
Like Delay ?
NO, not like Delay who did resign and did not run for office again.
And he wasn't even convicted of anything anyway.

Terrible example doorknob, but great example of how Repubs in trouble step down, but Dems stay on to run again.