Boy slave 'crucified' by Sudanese Muslim


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A Sudanese slave who was assigned to watch his Muslim master's camels was "crucified" when he was caught sneaking out to attend a Christian church, according to reports from Voice of the Martyrs.

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A black kid that is a slave in the sudan is killed. By a muslim of all things. well after all he was a christian so what does it matter? Its just a region where abuse, murder,starvation and suppression of all rights is the rule. I wonder how much money kofi makes off the area. Maybe he gets a percentage of the slave trade.
A black kid that is a slave in the sudan is killed. By a muslim of all things. well after all he was a christian so what does it matter? Its just a region where abuse, murder,starvation and suppression of all rights is the rule. I wonder how much money kofi makes off the area. Maybe he gets a percentage of the slave trade.

Religious whackos and criminals come in all varieties and faiths:

The Lord's Resistance Army (LRA)[1], formed in 1987, is a rebel paramilitary group operating mainly in northern Uganda. The group is engaged in an armed rebellion against the Ugandan government in what is now one of Africa's longest-running conflicts. It is led by Joseph Kony, who proclaims himself a spirit medium, and apparently wishes to establish a state based on his unique interpretation of Biblical millenarianism.

The LRA have been accused of widespread human rights violations, including mutilation, torture, rape, the abduction of civilians, the use of child soldiers and a number of massacres.'s_Resistance_Army
Religious whackos and criminals come in all varieties and faiths:

The Lord's Resistance Army (LRA)[1], formed in 1987, is a rebel paramilitary group operating mainly in northern Uganda. The group is engaged in an armed rebellion against the Ugandan government in what is now one of Africa's longest-running conflicts. It is led by Joseph Kony, who proclaims himself a spirit medium, and apparently wishes to establish a state based on his unique interpretation of Biblical millenarianism.

The LRA have been accused of widespread human rights violations, including mutilation, torture, rape, the abduction of civilians, the use of child soldiers and a number of massacres.'s_Resistance_Army
STILL responsible for tens of millions less in deaths than ideological left-wing movements that you love like Communism and Marxist-Leninist regimes...