Boycot proposal


Junior Member
What do you say we boycot responding to Dixie until he agrees to acknowledge the contributions of his number # nemesis? I'm going to regardless of what you bozos do.
ib1yysguy said:
What do you say we boycot responding to Dixie until he agrees to acknowledge the contributions of his number # nemesis? I'm going to regardless of what you bozos do.

Not me. Franky I think that they would have to come to an iron clad agreement to not cross certain lines under any pretext or context, period in order to be entertaining and productive anymore, both sides.. But when they are talking, their pissing matches spill over into every thread either one of them is in. Its actually kind of nice not having that happen.
What do you say we boycot responding to Dixie until he agrees to acknowledge the contributions of his number # nemesis?

I'd just as soon you all boycott responding to me, especially pinhead twerps like yourself. In fact, I challenge you to NOT respond to me! I'd love to see you try. Let's start with this thread... We'll see how long your attempts to not respond to me lasts. Go for it! It's your idea!

ib1yysguy said:
huh. why's my avitar work now? you never even emailed me one.

I'm a magician. I made damo make it work. I've got some pull here, after all, he and I got all bombed at Fridays in Thornton, Co, back in june of '04.
Dixie said:
What do you say we boycot responding to Dixie until he agrees to acknowledge the contributions of his number # nemesis?

I'd just as soon you all boycott responding to me, especially pinhead twerps like yourself. In fact, I challenge you to NOT respond to me! I'd love to see you try. Let's start with this thread... We'll see how long your attempts to not respond to me lasts. Go for it! It's your idea!


Well, I'm not ignoring you. I actually like your dumb ass. :) I don't think I'll ever ignore anyone.
Sweet. Thanks MBL. And Damo. Now that I know I can upload huge images, I might just upload a picture of my huge, uncut schlong. Not that I think the server could handle the bandwidth draw...
ib1yysguy said:
Sweet. Thanks MBL. And Damo. Now that I know I can upload huge images, I might just upload a picture of my huge, uncut schlong. Not that I think the server could handle the bandwidth draw...

Stop with the revolting imagery. Jesus man, Jesus. Anyhow, there's ot enough porkchop in your avatar. Where's the Elvis thing?
ib1yysguy said:
Sweet. Thanks MBL. And Damo. Now that I know I can upload huge images, I might just upload a picture of my huge, uncut schlong. Not that I think the server could handle the bandwidth draw...

Did you order your schlong at the same place you got your blow-up girlfriend? :confused:
Why, of course it could, no matter the size, all you'd have to do is post it in the correct pixel format. I don't know why you'd say it couldn't.
Beefy said:
Well, I'm not ignoring you. I actually like your dumb ass. :) I don't think I'll ever ignore anyone.

Well thanks Beefy, I kinda like you too, even though you look goofy in that new avatar. I liked the first one you had, myself. I could use my photoshop skills to put your new goofy looking head on the 'i beat anorexia' guy's body if you like? Aww, hell, just leave it like it is, at least Robdawg will like it! ;)
Dixie said:
Well thanks Beefy, I kinda like you too, even though you look goofy in that new avatar. I liked the first one you had, myself. I could use my photoshop skills to put your new goofy looking head on the 'i beat anorexia' guy's body if you like? Aww, hell, just leave it like it is, at least Robdawg will like it! ;)

Well, its a pretty drunk photo. I figure it will get me some ladies no? I just might have to go back to the original avatar at some point though, it is the best picture I've ever had taken.