Boycott Parasite Class Businesses


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The coronavirus conspiracy gave the Parasite Class more tax dollars, and more political power, than did all of the other parasite programs put together —— including the education industry —— and the conspirators succeeded in a year. Fake-pandemic money is already in the trillions in this country alone with no end in sight, while parasite political power is growing worldwide thanks to the United Nations.

The Parasite Class is rapidly becoming an economic force; much more powerful than black Americans boycotting products and retail stores.

Black Americans began boycotting businesses in 1968:

King suggested boycotting things sold by white businesses as a nonviolent way of protesting and getting people's attention. He explains that one black person might be poor, but all together, they spent a lot of money. This gave them power. If they stopped buying things from businesses owned by white people, then those businesses would lose a lot of money. Then they would have to pay attention, or else they could go out of business. Meanwhile, black people could use their money to buy things from businesses owned by other blacks. King says:

“ Go out and tell your neighbors not to buy Coca-Cola in Memphis. Go by and tell them not to buy Sealtest milk. Tell them not to buy ... Wonder Bread [or] Hart's bread. As Jesse Jackson has said, up to now, only the garbage men have been feeling pain; now we must kind of [spread out] the pain.'ve_Been_to_the_Mountaintop

In 2020 a failed boycott attempted to pick up where MLK left off:


Black Americans Boycotting Stores For#BlackoutDay2020
July 7, 2020 1:15 pm

Here is the only beneficial unintended consequence the Parasite Class never saw coming.

The coronavirus fraud provided an opening that will identify hardcore parasites at every level of government, as well as identify those business that welcome parasite tax dollars.

Some companies do not require masks:

Take 'Em Off: Walmart Ditches Mask Mandate for Vaccinated Customers, Staff
Friday, 14 May 2021 07:38 PM

Many companies still require masks:

Report: Target, Starbucks, Other Retailers Will Still Require Masks After CDC Guidance Changes
by Joshua Caplan
14 May 2021

Basically, to wear or not wear a mask contains all the ingredients needed for a successful grass roots boycott.

Should a hundred million-plus Americans disgusted with government parasites ordering them to wear masks boycott parasite-friendly businesses they can bankrupt those companies.

Incidentally, alternative energy businesses are immune to boycotts because they were created by, and survive on tax dollars. How in hell can Americans boycott the wind, and the sun, when they are fueled with tax dollars?

Finally, Taft-Hartley took away labor unions' power that is inherent in secondary boycotts. Example: If union members working in an oil refinery strike against a petroleum company at the refinery, private sector union members cannot picket gas stations selling that company’s gasoline. That is a secondary boycott. Organized labor’s awesome power was effectively placed in the hands of a few union officials who play golf with the executives of major corporations and high-ranking government officials.


There has not been an effective private sector labor movement in this country since the National Labor Relations Act was amended by Taft-Hartley in 1947. The private sector labor movement in the U.S. was only effective from 1934 until Taft-Hartley became law over President Truman’s veto; a period of thirteen or so years.
Here is the only beneficial unintended consequence the Parasite Class never saw coming.

The coronavirus fraud provided an opening that will identify hardcore parasites at every level of government, as well as identify those business that welcome parasite tax dollars.

My gal Judi flattened Boneyard Fauci with a steamroller, but she stopped short of citing:

In truth, an accurate nationwide audit would lower COVID-19 deaths to less than 10:

Is Dr. Anthony Fauci’s public admission he’s not convinced that Covid-19 “developed naturally”, along with his call for an investigation about what went on in China, the beginning of a coming “walk back” by world government leaders that millions were never going to die from the virus as they had predicted?

Millions were never going to die from a media-hyped hoax, and both leaders and media should—but likely never will—be held accountable for their fear-mongering.

Are Fauci & Company No Longer Trying to “Flatten The Curve” But Desperately Trying To Bury it?
By Judi McLeod
May 25, 2021
In truth, an accurate nationwide audit would lower COVID-19 deaths to less than 10:

Vaccines killed more Americans than coronavirus ever killed:

Dr. Peter McCullough, a prominent cardiologist, internist and professor of medicine who has testified to the U.S. Senate, has explained that he is not against vaccines, and many of his patients have been vaccinated for COVID-19.

But he said in a new interview this week that with increasing reports of adverse effects, it's too risky for people who have a more than 99% survival rate to receive one of the experimental vaccines.

"Based on the safety data now, I can no longer recommend it," he said in an interview with journalist and author John Leake.

"There are over 4,000 dead Americans, there are over 10,000 in Europe that die on days one, two and three after the vaccine," said McCullough.

Prominent physician: Don't get a COVID shot
By Art Moore
Published May 25, 2021 at 7:24pm

As the truth emerges I am lowering my statistic to ZILCH:

Combine the testing lie with the countless cause of death statistics lies and I may have to lower my statistic to fewer than ten.

Finally, American and European Socialists believe every lie their governments tell them. The proven result to date has been 14,000 dead human guinea pigs.

The number of guinea pigs permanently crippled by the long-term effects of COVID-19 vaccines will be available five or ten years down the road.
Black Americans began boycotting businesses in 1968:

I see nothing wrong with separating whites and blacks. In fact, black race hustlers are doing white Americans a favor:

service to white people' sign at St. Louis-area drive-through
By Sam Masterson

NOTE: If Pat Buchanan’s piece is all lies instead of the truth touchy-feely freaks and the ‘We’s all God’s chillun’ crowd would be screaming:

Will our diversity lead to the nation's disintegration?
Pat Buchanan quotes Gov. Newsom: 'What the hell is going on in the United States of America?'
By Patrick J. Buchanan
Published May 27, 2021 at 7:35pm

Whatever happened to the Separate but Equal doctrine?

Separate but equal was a legal doctrine in United States constitutional law, according to which racial segregation did not necessarily violate the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which guaranteed "equal protection" under the law to all people. Under the doctrine, as long as the facilities provided to each "race" were equal, state and local governments could require that services, facilities, public accommodations, housing, medical care, education, employment, and transportation be segregated by "race", which was already the case throughout the states of the former Confederacy. The phrase was derived from a Louisiana law of 1890, although the law actually used the phrase "equal but separate".


In practice, the separate facilities provided to African Americans were rarely equal; usually they were not even close to equal,

Every time parasites start screaming their favorite slogan:

those Rights inevitably become special privileges for non-whites, criminals, degenerates, and traitors.

Notice that children naturally try to please authority figures. Winning approval carries over into adult life. By forcing white children to seek the approval of non-white teachers, the education system is trying to bring about equality. The failures of American public education show that it is not working in the classroom, nor in the rest of society. In reality, the country is getting a nation of ass-kissers harboring the same old hatreds.

Separate but equal would have been the better way to go.

NOTE: The Constitution does not give the federal government authority to educate children or anybody else. Since parasites in the education industry appear to be a permanent fixture, I believe that in a system of white schools and non-white schools the races would come together naturally.

In any event, the school a child attends should be a parent’s voluntary decision. That means that a white child could attend a non-white school and vice versa so long as it is by choice and not by government edict.

Finally, I have never been certain if Socialists/Communists married non-existent racism to Bible-thumpers, or if black race hustlers simply latched onto Socialism in order to get their own key to the public purse.
My gal Judi opened up a can of worms:

he photo depicting Joe Biden getting his COVID booster shot earlier this week seems to have been utterly STAGED.

Was the booster shot itself, which for all we know could have been plain H20, part of the staged props?

Nothing “Normal” About Flaky Joe Biden
By Judi McLeod

The number of guinea pigs permanently crippled by the long-term effects of COVID-19 vaccines will be available five or ten years down the road.

Lying Joe is already brain dead; so a shot of the real vaccines Big Pharma is selling cannot harm him.

placebo (noun)
plural placebos

1a : a usually pharmacologically inert preparation prescribed more for the mental relief of the patient than for its actual effect on a disorder b : an inert or innocuous substance used especially in controlled experiments testing the efficacy of another substance (such as a drug)

2 : something tending to soothe

On the other hand, Lying Joe’s handlers invested so much money putting him in office they are not going to run the risk of turning him into a guinea pig that might drop dead from the vaccines everyone else is getting.
On the other hand, Lying Joe’s handlers invested so much money putting him in office they are not going to run the risk of turning him into a guinea pig that might drop dead from the vaccines everyone else is getting.

Just call him Placebo Joe:

“What if he dies? What if he blacks out? What if he, like, gets it and faints? Like, because people have had very bad reactions like in the moment for whatever reason,” he continued, addressing a range of immediate responses that could have occurred.

Joe Rogan says what many Americans are thinking, suggests Biden’s live TV booster shot was all theater
October 3, 2021
Robert Jonathan



