Brain-dead girl gets extension

Big Money

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The family of a California girl who was declared brain-dead after complications from a tonsillectomy won an 11th-hour court order on Monday requiring doctors to keep her connected to a breathing machine for at least another week.

Under the latest court order in the case, doctors at Children's Hospital and Research Center in Oakland are barred from taking 13-year-old Jahi McMath off a ventilator without her family's consent before 5pm local time on Jan. 7.

I thouht it was a story on black democrats and hair extensions. I was half right, pull the plug and stop wasting the taxpayers money.
Love that bumper sticker RacistX. Reminds me of when Alice Cooper ran for President with the slogan "Alice Cooper. A troubled man for troubled times!"
Love that bumper sticker RacistX. Reminds me of when Alice Cooper ran for President with the slogan "Alice Cooper. A troubled man for troubled times!"

Gawd, Mott, could you please warn me somehow! I spit coffee then laughed so hard I think I woke Hubby! Lol