Brain scan shows that vegetative patients can think


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PATIENTS who are in a vegetative state may be able to hear and understand much more than hitherto believed.
Experiments conducted in Cambridge could change the way in which such patients are treated: the results suggest that even those who seem to be comatose can hear, understand and respond.

Decisions to switch off life-support systems, always a controversial area in which the courts are often involved, could become even more fraught.

The experiments, published in Science, were carried out on a 23-year-old woman who suffered serious head injuries in a traffic accident in July last year. Five months after the accident the woman remained unresponsive, although she continued normal cycles of sleeping and waking. Doctors diagnosed her condition as a vegetative state, one in which patients who emerge from a coma appear to be awake but show no sign of awareness.

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Wow! This is great news! Now they can work on methods to try to work with these misdiagnosed vegetative state patients...that may be able to bring them out of that "state" which they are in...

this reminds me of the movie Awakening in a way.....