Breaking News: Arizona Challenging French Election!


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The Arizona review board and a group of Right Wing Putin activists are going to conduct a French recount. Tre Manifique!

They are sure there are shreds of bamboo in the paper, and maybe some ballots under a Louis IVX desk.
The Putin contingent is about to storm the Bastille. They are demanding a recount!

Rudy is flying to France as we speak.
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Oh dear. Let's turn that frown at another fascist RW election loss to a smile!

They are demanding the Putin Sympathizer be installed as permanent President.
The Arizona review board and a group of Right Wing Putin activists are going to conduct a French recount. Tre Manifique!

They are sure there are shreds of bamboo in the paper, and maybe some ballots under a Louis IVX desk.

Fucking imbecile, tries some French and fucks up royally. It's très magnifique, shit for brains.
I understand Right Wing politics pretty well.

No you don't, certainly not French politics at least.

Beyond left and right

It might be surprising that Ms Le Pen's party - generally considered a far-right group - is positioned so close to the centre.

So what's going on here?

One answer is that a populist leader like Ms Le Pen doesn't fit neatly on to this simple left-right scale.

On economic policies, for example, many of her proposals would be considered left of centre. She has proposed expanding the welfare state for those deemed eligible and has offered tax breaks and interest-free loans to get on the housing ladder for people under 30.

On social and cultural policies alternatively, her policies are very much right of centre. When put together, she might seem like a centrist candidate not much different to Mr Macron of the La Republique En Marche party.

The chart below shows how far to the right she is of Mr Macron on issues relating to the "fabric of society" - which includes support for a traditional way of life and having strong law and order policies. It also shows she sits to the left of Mr Macron on economic policies.
No you don't, certainly not French politics at least.

Beyond left and right

It might be surprising that Ms Le Pen's party - generally considered a far-right group - is positioned so close to the centre.

So what's going on here?

One answer is that a populist leader like Ms Le Pen doesn't fit neatly on to this simple left-right scale.

On economic policies, for example, many of her proposals would be considered left of centre. She has proposed expanding the welfare state for those deemed eligible and has offered tax breaks and interest-free loans to get on the housing ladder for people under 30.

On social and cultural policies alternatively, her policies are very much right of centre. When put together, she might seem like a centrist candidate not much different to Mr Macron of the La Republique En Marche party.

The chart below shows how far to the right she is of Mr Macron on issues relating to the "fabric of society" - which includes support for a traditional way of life and having strong law and order policies. It also shows she sits to the left of Mr Macron on economic policies.

I understand a bit about French politics, without identifying myself, just trust me.

Yes, in France what they call far right is middle of the road here, what we call right is what they call facism.
The Arizona review board and a group of Right Wing Putin activists are going to conduct a French recount. Tre Manifique!

They are sure there are shreds of bamboo in the paper, and maybe some ballots under a Louis IVX desk.

They get “irrefutable” evidence from Sidney and Rudi?