APP - BREAKING NEWS: California voter fraud exposed



Now why would Los Angeles County and California not follow federal election law and purge its voter rolls as they are required to do? Can anyone hazard a guess?

Well it is quite simple. The number of registered voters makes it look larger than it really is. It also gives them the ability to harvest votes if needed. Vote count heavy in other areas of the state? Problem solved, "find" some ballots in Los Angeles County.

Do you think it is a coincidence that democrat run counties are ALWAYS the last to report? Why do you think that is? They need to see if the election is close enough so that their cheating won't be caught. That is why the democrat party almost ALWAYS wins "close" elections. They are masters at "finding" votes post election.

Forcing them to clean up their voter rolls will go along way in stopping the democrat party from cheating
Trump should sign an executive order giving them a deadline to clean up their act and if they don't, make them ineligible to vote in the next presidential election.