APP - BREAKING NEWS: Clinton email coverup worse than we thought

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

Not only was the fix in but the DOJ under Loretta Lynch and FBI under James Comey actually helped destroy evidence in the sham investigation of Hillary Clinton. This explains the FBIs new directive using Snopes and Wikipedia as their background for identifying "conspiracy theories" as threats.

As the evidence emerges of the crimes of the Obama led FBI and DOJ, the Deep State will just call them "conspiracy theories". This is why Hillary said "If he wins we all Fing hang". She knows it was a criminal conspiracy of a cover and if Trump won it would be exposed.
I hope it will be exposed, but seems deep state is too powerful and corrupt to do anything about it :(
I hope it will be exposed, but seems deep state is too powerful and corrupt to do anything about it :(

I know. But, that doesn't mean it will last forever. Think about this for a second. This is the first time in generations that the Deep State has been exposed to this extent. It has had decades to build up its defenses and Trump and his supporters have dealt it serious blows in just two and a half years. It is easy to become sad about all of this, but 10 years ago the Deep State would have gotten away with all of it. It would have never even been exposed to the sunlight.

What we are witnessing is a watershed moment in our country. People are waking up to the poison that has become Washington DC. People are waking up to the fact that it isn't political appointees that run things in DC it is the bureaucrats that stay through multiple administrations and seek to subvert conservatives and patriots of America at every turn. Trump is the only one to take them on directly in my lifetime and win.

Think about what Trump has done for a second. Every aspect of the US intelligence apparatus was turned against him. They threw everything at him and he survived. There isn't a single person in America that could have survived what Trump has survived. He deserves our admiration and respect for what he has withstood.

People like Bush, Romney and McCain would have folded like cheap suits at a tenth of what has been thrown at Trump

I talk to people every day and more and more are waking up to the bullshit. This Deep State BS has been built up over generations, it won't be taken down in two years and without a fight on their part. Keep your head up. For the first time we are in the fight and have someone fighting for us. That is huge