APP - BREAKING NEWS: DOJ to release 6 months of texts from love birds



It looks like we are finally going to get a look at 6 months of texts between lovebirds Strzok and Page. What is significant about these texts is that they cover the time frame from when Comey was fired to when Mueller was appointed special counsel. One has to presume that the two purveyors of infidelity had a lot to say about this topic.

There are some interesting things that have never been adequately answered about these two

1) As of 2012, over 35,000 people worked for the FBI. How is it that Strzok is the guy who not only investigates Hillary's illegal, unsecured server AND investigates Trump and MaRussia? That seems highly coincidental
2) Since the discovery of the two lovers texts, not much has been heard about them. They were demoted to the basement of the FBI and that is it.

Were they given a special deal by the IG in exchange for them giving up dirt on dirty Comey and McCabe? Is that why Comey lawyered up right after being fired? I suspect a lot is going to break soon with regards to these too. Guess we will have to see what the texts behold.