APP - BREAKING NEWS: FBI and Muller lied

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Time to blow the lid off of the biggest scandal in American politics

Let us not forget that the entire predicate for the FBIs investigation into President Trump's campaign was that people on his team aka Papadopolous supposedly interacted with Russian assets. Well, it looks like Misfud wasn't a Russian asset, but a western intelligence asset.

It was a set up. President Trump and the American people were put through hell for two years over a scam. And there are leftists that still believe it.
The gatewaypundit is a conspiracy site and a dark money funded fake news site. Please use sources that have a level of trust if you want to debate your positions. Thanks

As for the information, the interested reader can check the sources below. Papadopoulos admitted lying and meeting with Russians. He is just a small part of the story of Russia and the Trump election effort. The idea that Americans would meet with Russians about an American candidate for the presidency of the United States should give any reader pause.

'Papadopoulos Meets with Mifsud'

"On April 26, 2016, Papadopoulos, a campaign foreign policy adviser, met in London with a professor he “understood to have substantial connections to Russian government officials,” according to a plea agreement that Papadopoulos reached with the Justice Department. At the meeting, the professor — later identified as Joseph Mifsud — told Papadopoulos that the Russian government had “dirt” on Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in the form of “thousands of emails,” the plea agreement said."

When is Hillary going to be prosecuted by this Administration, as promised...?
Darn. Totally messed up. These individuals were supposed to be thread banned.

Oh well, I don't see any worthy responses just those criticizing the source which is about as weak an argument as anyone can get.