APP - BREAKING NEWS: Never Trumper bends the knee



This news is YUUUUGE. Now I don't think it will sway EVERY Never Trumper out there because pride is a funky thing that can really mess with a mind, but there is no doubt this will have a big impact on many republican voters given what a vocal antagonist Erickson was of President Trump.

He nailed it. Of course Trump is not perfect. I don't know any of his supporters that think he is perfect. The only perfect human being was Jesus Christ. But, as far as Presidents go, Trump is the bomb diggity.

Now leftists will try to blow this off, but it is significant.

I wonder how the Max Boot/Jonah Goldberg/Bill Kristol cabal will react
Unless you hate prosperity and strength you cant vote f loi r anyone else.
Yes hes mouthy but he is getting things done despite all the media. 52% of Americans say so.
Oh, my.

"Trump delivered on tax reform.

He delivered on regulatory rollbacks.

He delivered on undermining Obamacare.

He delivered on moving the embassy in Israel.

He delivered on withdrawal from the Paris Accord.

He delivered on withdrawal from the Iranian agreement. He delivered on shifting American foreign policy focus to the Western Hemisphere to deal with Venezuela, Cuba, and other hotspots.

He delivered on solid executive appointments, including to the judiciary.

I have ongoing concerns on tariffs, the national direction on North Korea, and other issues, but even with George W. Bush I had issues. No President is perfect. Some are badly flawed. In 2020, we’ll be asked to choose which direction we want to go as a nation.

I chose a third path in 2016 and the nation decided otherwise. Now, as we head into 2020, it is clear the paths forward are still between the Republicans and DEMOCRATS.

The path of opting out or protesting now to me seems irrelevant; we have a President who is no longer a hypothetical against a host of DEMOCRATS too extreme for the nation.

We have three years on which to judge President Trump’s administration and vision for the country. We also have lots of real world examples of where the DEMOCRATS want to head.

We have a DEMOCRAT party that is increasingly hostile to religion and now applies religious tests to blocking judicial nominees.

We have a DEMOCRAT party that believes children can be murdered after birth.

We have a DEMOCRAT party that would set back the economic progress of this nation by generations through their environmental policies.

We have a DEMOCRAT party that uses the issue of Russia opportunistically.

We have a DEMOCRAT party that has weaponized race, gender, and other issues to divide us all while calling the President “divisive.”

We have a DEMOCRAT party that is deeply hostile to large families, small businesses, strong work ethics, gun ownership, and traditional values.

We have a DEMOCRAT party that is openly anti-Semitic.

DEMOCRATS have increasingly determined to let that hostility shape their public policy. They are adamant that every person of faith - except Muslims - must abandon deeply held convictions and values.

On top of that, we have a media that increasingly views itself not as a neutral observer, but as an anti-Trump operation.

The daily litany of misreported and badly reported stories designed to paint this Administration in a negative light continues to amaze me.

Juxtapose the contrast in national reporting on the President and race or Brett Kavanaugh and old allegations with the media dancing around the issues in Virginia.

Or compare and contrast the media’s coverage of the New York and Virginia abortion laws with their coverage of this President continuing the policies of the Obama Administration at the border, including the Obama policy of separating children from adults.

Or look now at how the media is scrambling to cover for and make excuses for the DEMOCRAT’ “Green New Deal,” going so far as to suggest that maybe, just maybe, the outline of policy initiatives was an error or forged.

In fact, many of my center-right friends who, like me, continue to have concerns with this Administration, are driven in part by the bad reporting on this Administration. There are certainly concerns. I have written often about my concerns, including on the character issue.

I will not now be silent even in expressing my support. But I also recognize the media has done an amazing job of fraudulently amplifying those concerns and, frankly, the younger the reporter the worse and more unfair the coverage.

At this point I can head into 2020 knowing several things:

First, the behaviors this President routinely engages in are not going to change. He is who he is.
Second, the pretty smiles and calm demeanors the other side will probably work through the media to contrast with the President will not hide the fact they think children can be killed before, during and after birth, non-Muslim people of faith should be removed from policy making positions, and the economy should be bankrupted to implement environmental policies.

I could stay home or vote third party as I did in 2016. But what will that get me? The ability to say “not my problem” or the self-assurance that I didn’t get dirty in having to choose?

I have many friends who, when I have discussed this, tell me I should just stay home and turn my back. Both parties, they tell me, are profoundly corrupt. And they’re right. But I am not looking for a messiah in politics and don’t have some religious sentiment tied to my vote. While I understand and accept the sincere conviction of some of my friends who have decided they will just sit out the process, I have decided otherwise.

In 2016, we knew who the DEMOCRATS were and were not sure of who Donald Trump was.

Now we know both, and I prefer this President to the alternative.

I will vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence. And, to be clear, it will not be just because of what the other side offers, but also because of what the Trump-Pence team has done. They’ve earned my vote".
This is probably my favorite line from the entire piece

I could stay home or vote third party as I did in 2016. But what will that get me? The ability to say “not my problem” or the self-assurance that I didn’t get dirty in having to choose?

This encapsulates JPP Never Trumpers to a tee. They choose not to get dirty rather than accept a flawed man who has done more to further their stated political goals than anyone I have seen in my years of paying attention to politics.

I once said I will never forgive NeverTrumpers and I still mean that, however, I am willing to give Ericksson a chance. I will monitor his behavior over the months to see if this is heartfelt or just some ruse. Legitimate criticism of Trump is fine and warranted.

I will give him credit for his bravery. He will no longer be invited on Morning Shmo with Joe and Mika Underwood

That's a good thing.

Remember when a dead intern was found in Joe's office?

I remember hearing about it. For some reason that event seems to coincide with his gradual conversion to liberalism

I still find it humorous that he tries to call himself a conservative.