APP - BREAKING NEWS: New poll devastating for the democrat party

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

A new poll by NBC News and Wall St Journal finds some ominous news for today's democrat party. Get read for this

"56% of Americans consider the democrat party out step"

Now I know this flies in the face of the BIG BLUE WAVE talk we have been hearing about, but this is a shocking revelation and represents a 12.5% drop in just two years.

Now for those of us with any semblance of political acumen who know how to read the tea leaves, this is not surprising. When you have Maxine Waters running around calling for violence against Trump supporters and Ocasio the new golden child advocating more socialism and the democrat party demanding we eliminate the organization that protects our country from illegal invasion is it any surprise that they are seen as "out of step'

I have tried to counsel the democrat party, but they refuse to listen.

They will always have Russia

A new poll by NBC News and Wall St Journal finds some ominous news for today's democrat party. Get read for this

"56% of Americans consider the democrat party out step"

Now I know this flies in the face of the BIG BLUE WAVE talk we have been hearing about, but this is a shocking revelation and represents a 12.5% drop in just two years.

Now for those of us with any semblance of political acumen who know how to read the tea leaves, this is not surprising. When you have Maxine Waters running around calling for violence against Trump supporters and Ocasio the new golden child advocating more socialism and the democrat party demanding we eliminate the organization that protects our country from illegal invasion is it any surprise that they are seen as "out of step'

I have tried to counsel the democrat party, but they refuse to listen.

They will always have Russia

LOL, Russia is Trumps friend, and boss, as Helsinki proved.

A new poll by NBC News and Wall St Journal finds some ominous news for today's democrat party. Get read for this

"56% of Americans consider the democrat party out step"

Now I know this flies in the face of the BIG BLUE WAVE talk we have been hearing about, but this is a shocking revelation and represents a 12.5% drop in just two years.

Now for those of us with any semblance of political acumen who know how to read the tea leaves, this is not surprising. When you have Maxine Waters running around calling for violence against Trump supporters and Ocasio the new golden child advocating more socialism and the democrat party demanding we eliminate the organization that protects our country from illegal invasion is it any surprise that they are seen as "out of step'

I have tried to counsel the democrat party, but they refuse to listen.

They will always have Russia

I distrust polls, Don, as you know. I have observed that many liberals do think polls are credible, and I find their lack of an informed response to your thread somewhat interesting.

Do you suppose they are not as confident in their boasted Blue Wave as they pretend to be?
I distrust polls, Don, as you know. I have observed that many liberals do think polls are credible, and I find their lack of an informed response to your thread somewhat interesting.

Do you suppose they are not as confident in their boasted Blue Wave as they pretend to be?

I understand your distrust in polls Legion and I have to say for the most part there is good reason to distrust them. Admittedly, I have violated my rule of posting a poll in which I have not been able to see the internals. But, this one was too much fun so I had to post it.

As to the vaunted BLUE WAVE, I don't know if they are confident or not. It would be unwise for me to speak on behalf of our liberal brethren. What I can do is articulate observable behavior which is that I have seen fewer posts about the BLUE WAVE and the Democrat Media Industrial Complex talks less and less about it. I guess we can interpret anything we want from those observations.
I understand your distrust in polls Legion and I have to say for the most part there is good reason to distrust them. Admittedly, I have violated my rule of posting a poll in which I have not been able to see the internals. But, this one was too much fun so I had to post it.

As to the vaunted BLUE WAVE, I don't know if they are confident or not. It would be unwise for me to speak on behalf of our liberal brethren. What I can do is articulate observable behavior which is that I have seen fewer posts about the BLUE WAVE and the Democrat Media Industrial Complex talks less and less about it. I guess we can interpret anything we want from those observations.

Fair points, and as you stated, they always have Russia, don't they?