APP - BREAKING NEWS: President Trump gaining with Hispanics

President Trumps support among blacks has doubled since 2017

If true this is significant. It would deal a death blow to the democrat party
I distrust polling, Don, but I have seen the #WalkAway videos, so maybe there is something to this.
I distrust polling, Don, but I have seen the #WalkAway videos, so maybe there is something to this.

I don't blame you for distrusting polls Comrade Legionovsky. In general I distrust them as well unless I can see the internals.
I don't blame you for distrusting polls Comrade Legionovsky. In general I distrust them as well unless I can see the internals.

Polls are unworthy of being relied upon, Comrade Don.

What, 20% to 21%?

Pathetic and desperate. You are a racist and voted for the most racist man in America because he was a racist. You gave up on non-white Americans long ago. Nobodies going to vote for someone who believes them to be inherently inferior, at worst a nuisance to be tolerated, at best a plague to be cleansed.
Polls are unworthy of being relied upon, Comrade Don.


Comrade I know that you inherently distrust public polls and I agree there is much to distrust. However, I posted these on August 2nd and 3rd respectively and a mere nine days later the Democrat Media Industrial Complex launches into the "Trump is RACIST" storyline again.

Do you think that is a mere coincidence or do you think that democrat party internal polls indicate the same thing? I don't believe in coincidences in politics Comrade Legion