APP - BREAKING NEWS: right wing conservatives believe dubious information


Re: BREAKING NEWS: that which leftists say never happens happened AGAIN

More fake news from an easily led Trump fan. One has to wonder why Trump fans are so easily led and why they follow like puppies. Is this person a Russia? A troll? Or both? Trump's own taskforce found no voter fraud and was a complete joke. Kris Kobach couldn't find evidence and lost his election proving some voters know a fool when they see one. Sad that conservatives are so easily led. Weak men need a leader to look up to, even one who lies constantly. Another questionable site, so sad. See bottom link.

"This is a borderline questionable source for far right bias and some propaganda."

Democracies require conversation and debate open to all.
None of what you stated makes what I posted untrue

It just makes you uncomfortable

I suspect if similar analyses were done across the country the same results would be found. Leftists know that illegals vote in huge numbers it is why they don't want them excluded from the Census and it is why they don't want their flow stopped from entering the US
Kinda true, but your posting 'alleged' unproven assumptions rather than confirmed information from reliable sources doesn't help, it only confuses. And it does not make me uncomfortable as voting here in Philly is well managed and most of the time they know who you are. We sign in. Texas may make mistakes but that is Texas, and if you check the stats in the links these numbers are pretty insignificant as well. And how do we know the mistakes are only in one direction as well?