APP - BREAKING NEWS: Suburban woman back the border wall

And DJT is gaining favor among blackd and hispanics too.
The mushy middle is tired of the left and their inability to do anything.
I doubt poll results are indicative.

Legion I think when its said and done illegal immigration is going to be a thorn in democrats side, America knows that the media underplays the impact in every aspect of americans lives illegal immigration has especially the huge costs and every poll indicates that the majority is against it. You cant take a single poll as gospel for anything but when its most, then its going to fall on that side.

The left wont admit that the liberal media puts a cover over any democrat negatives
Who told you that?

Polls have been nothing but wrong in the last few years. If a group of polls are relatively close thats more reliable than a single poll.

For example real clear politics takes an average of several for Potus favorability

Take 3 polls as the question 3 different ways get 3 different results..