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Republican Presidential candidates asked about international incident, and none blame "U.S naval commanders on the scene".

Asked about last weekend's Persian Gulf incident in which Iranian speed boats harassed U.S. warships, none of the presidential rivals found fault with U.S. naval commanders on the scene.

That's right, a reporter actually wrote that. I hope he or she snuck it in tongue in cheek, but I have little doubt they were actually on the edge of their seats when the question was asked, wondering if maybe Fred Thomspons was going to answer with "Well, I'll tell ya what the problem is, it's that somofabitch Admiral Jones." And Rudy got his bug eye on, and started doing his Arnold Horshak impression until someone finally called on him, and said "I want to agree with Fred and go further with this: When are we going to get some competent goddamned soldiers in this country?"