Brian Lamb to recevie Presidential Medal of Freedom..


Will work for Scooby snacks
Bush finally found someone worthy of the Medal of Freedom.

I can learn more from watching ten mintues on Cspan, than I can from watching 24 hours of Fox News.

Congrats Brian :cheer:

C-SPAN's Lamb to receive medal of freedom

WASHINGTON -- Lafayette native and C-SPAN founder Brian Lamb will receive the nation's highest civil award, the White House announced today.

Lamb and seven others will receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Bush at a White House ceremony Nov. 5.

The medal is given to those who have made "an especially meritorious contribution" to culture, world peace or to national security and other national interests.

The White House said Lamb "has elevated America's public debate and helped open up our government to citizens across the nation." The statement also said that Lamb's "dedication to a transparent political system and the free flow of ideas has enriched and strengthened our democracy."