Bribery, High Crimes, Misdemeanors & Treachery


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As I understand it TREASON and BRIBERY are emphatically impeachable high crimes. Logically, it follows that everything else is a misdemeanor.

(Article II, Section 4)

The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.

Democrats decided high crimes was the way to go when they realized they would look foolish if they went with misdemeanors. Imagine a clown afraid of looking like a fool!


January 22, 2020
Adam Schiff made a fool of himself on Day One of the Senate impeachment trial
By Patricia McCarthy

Democrats conspired to remove President Trump from office from the day he was elected. When every attempt failed they tortured the phrase “or other high crimes” in order suit their needs. That is not working out real well in the Senate’s impeachment trial.

Democrats falsely charged President Trump with everything except treason. QUESTION: WHY?

ANSWER: Former civil officers Hillary Clinton and John Kerry are guilty of treason.
(Neither one was charged with treason while they were in office. Nevertheless, they can still be impeached.)


1. A small figure of a person or an animal, having a cloth body and hollow head, designed to be fitted over and manipulated by the hand.

2. A figure having jointed parts animated from above by strings or wires; a marionette.

3. A toy representing a human figure; a doll.

4. One whose behavior is determined by the will of others: a political puppet.

noun, attributive

Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was guilty of soliciting and accepting bribes while the best Nancy Pelosi & Puppets could do was accuse President Trump of offering bribes to Ukrainians. QUESTION: Does the Constitution mean OFFERING bribes is an impeachable high crime?

President Donald Trump has committed “multiple federal crimes,” according to a report released Monday by House Democrats on the Judiciary Committee. Specifically, Democrats claim the president’s efforts to condition military aid to Ukraine on investigations into former Vice President Joe Biden’s family violates the federal bribery statutes.

In the articles of impeachment introduced last week, Democrats deliberately avoided “bribery” and “obstruction of justice” charges and instead folded everything under the umbrella of “abuses of power.” The inclusion of bribery in the report is a new development, and one that raises a legal question: Did Trump’s actions meet the bribery threshold?

Did Trump commit bribery? I asked 7 legal experts.
By Sean Illing
Dec 17, 2019, 11:10am EST

My dictionary says:

bribery (noun)
plural briberies

The act or practice of offering, giving, or taking a bribe.

In my opinion government officials ACCEPTING a bribe for personal gain is obviously a high crime. Any president OFFERING a bribe in order to carry out a foreign policy objective is not committing a high crime or a misdemeanor.

Finally, I would love to hear Senile Joe Biden under oath integrate bribery, high crimes and misdemeanors.

Book Bombshell: James Biden’s Firm Got $1.5 Billion in Government Contracts Despite Zero Experience
by Haris Alic
21 Jan 2020

p.s. If the U.S. Senate is the world’s greatest deliberative body President Clinton would have been removed from office.

As I understand it TREASON and BRIBERY are emphatically impeachable high crimes. Logically, it follows that everything else is a misdemeanor.

(Article II, Section 4)

The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.

Democrats decided high crimes was the way to go when they realized they would look foolish if they went with misdemeanors. Imagine a clown afraid of looking like a fool!

January 22, 2020
Adam Schiff made a fool of himself on Day One of the Senate impeachment trial
By Patricia McCarthy

Democrats conspired to remove President Trump from office from the day he was elected. When every attempt failed they tortured the phrase “or other high crimes” in order suit their needs. That is not working out real well in the Senate’s impeachment trial.

Democrats falsely charged President Trump with everything except treason. QUESTION: WHY?

ANSWER: Former civil officers Hillary Clinton and John Kerry are guilty of treason.
(Neither one was charged with treason while they were in office. Nevertheless, they can still be impeached.)


1. A small figure of a person or an animal, having a cloth body and hollow head, designed to be fitted over and manipulated by the hand.

2. A figure having jointed parts animated from above by strings or wires; a marionette.

3. A toy representing a human figure; a doll.

4. One whose behavior is determined by the will of others: a political puppet.

noun, attributive

Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was guilty of soliciting and accepting bribes while the best Nancy Pelosi & Puppets could do was accuse President Trump of offering bribes to Ukrainians. QUESTION: Does the Constitution mean OFFERING bribes is an impeachable high crime?

President Donald Trump has committed “multiple federal crimes,” according to a report released Monday by House Democrats on the Judiciary Committee. Specifically, Democrats claim the president’s efforts to condition military aid to Ukraine on investigations into former Vice President Joe Biden’s family violates the federal bribery statutes.

In the articles of impeachment introduced last week, Democrats deliberately avoided “bribery” and “obstruction of justice” charges and instead folded everything under the umbrella of “abuses of power.” The inclusion of bribery in the report is a new development, and one that raises a legal question: Did Trump’s actions meet the bribery threshold?

Did Trump commit bribery? I asked 7 legal experts.
By Sean Illing
Dec 17, 2019, 11:10am EST

My dictionary says:

bribery (noun)
plural briberies

The act or practice of offering, giving, or taking a bribe.

In my opinion government officials ACCEPTING a bribe for personal gain is obviously a high crime. Any president OFFERING a bribe in order to carry out a foreign policy objective is not committing a high crime or a misdemeanor.

Finally, I would love to hear Senile Joe Biden under oath integrate bribery, high crimes and misdemeanors.

Book Bombshell: James Biden’s Firm Got $1.5 Billion in Government Contracts Despite Zero Experience
by Haris Alic
21 Jan 2020

p.s. If the U.S. Senate is the world’s greatest deliberative body President Clinton would have been removed from office.


