I have not been on here for awhile, but it is not because I don't like talking about, or debating politics. I don't come here much anymore, because there is a lack of discussion. The lefties are going to push the lefty media narrative, and they are going to dodge, divert, invert, spin, redefine, change the subject, or otherwise evade actual discussion about what is going on. All roads will lead to what the lefty media engineers, which means that I already know the end results of any political discussion. Why even bother? Political discussion boards have become as obsolete as objective political discussion.
I already know that any lefty responses to this thread will be in a juvenile format, and that they will interpret this thread as evidence that righties are wrong, and the lefty media is correct. To the righties here, I offer my warm regards, and thank you for doing what you guys do here. It seems kinda pointless, kinda like trying to teach dogs how to talk or read, but I thank you for the efforts that you put into our cause and into the world wide web.
I already know that any lefty responses to this thread will be in a juvenile format, and that they will interpret this thread as evidence that righties are wrong, and the lefty media is correct. To the righties here, I offer my warm regards, and thank you for doing what you guys do here. It seems kinda pointless, kinda like trying to teach dogs how to talk or read, but I thank you for the efforts that you put into our cause and into the world wide web.