APP - Bring the troops home



One of the criticisms of the tea party has been that they didn't protest while bush was in office. Well, we didn't have a worthless bailout and ridiculous health bill until the liberals sold everyone out.

You liberals are nothing but hypocrites. Where the fuck are you war protestors? Oh I forgot,
Obama won a peace prize

Fucking liberals make this country suck. you divide people when you're not in power, and you mock others when you have the power. That's why you suck. go to hell, all of you
I know no college would except you. But I'm impressed you have your own grass cutting business. I did too. When I was twelve.
I know no college would except you. But I'm impressed you have your own grass cutting business. I did too. When I was twelve.

You are clueless. I'm a home improvement contractor. I make more an hour than you do, but i don't work 40 hrs a week, so i'm not rich

now fuck off you dickhead
LOL yeah right. You make 4k a week and you have to pee in a cup? Not likely. Now we know you're full of shit. LOL

What a poser
I make $100hr 40hrs a week, clean up man

Yeah sure...and you hang out on a message board for your social life....

Your a pompous ass that in reality probably hangs out in your Mommies staring at the monitor like a zombie with your cock in one hand and the mouse in the other.....

Your what is known as a 'peckerhead' to the retired elders of the greatest generation, that hang out in the corner store and as a pinhead to your peers that might know you exist, few though they be............a real life born loser.
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LOL yeah right. You make 4k a week and you have to pee in a cup? Not likely. Now we know you're full of shit. LOL

What a poser

If I made half that I'd be a lot less fearful of being caught. For 18 years I didn't get tested. Then we got bought out by a company who loves HR dorks and I get tested 3 times in 9 years. The last time lots of water diluted me into a false negative. I have never been as nervous in my entire life. Contactors like you who are their own boss can not even comprehend that specific pressure. You guys have 1,000 times the balls that I do going it on your own and I'm not even saying it's anywhere near the pressure of owning a business
you have to admit...the anti war bring the home now protesters have gone virtually silent since obama has been in office....nothing partisan about it...just a fact
you have to admit...the anti war bring the home now protesters have gone virtually silent since obama has been in office....nothing partisan about it...just a fact

Democrats are hypocritical on a lot of stuff. I'm guessing this posses me off a lot more than you guys.