Brings a whole new aspect to the phrase something on your mind



What was she snorting?

Rosemary Alvarez started experiencing numbness in her arm and blurred vision. She went to the emergency room twice and had a cat scan, but everything came up clear,

It wasn’t until doctors took a closer look at an MRI that they discovered something very disturbing.

“Once we saw the MRI we realized this is something not good,” neurosurgeon, Dr. Peter Nakaji told the news station. “It's something down in her brain stem which is as deep in the brain as you can be.”

Alvarez was wheeled into surgery where Nakaji and his colleagues were expecting to remove a tumor, but they uncovered a worm instead.
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Just a unbelievably gross story.

Better than a tumor though.

Yeah, probably better than a tumor. But the gross factor is higher. Plus, tumors typically can't crawl or lay eggs.
Yeah, probably better than a tumor. But the gross factor is higher. Plus, tumors typically can't crawl or lay eggs.

I nearly misread the part where it said that the dr. was chuckling -- I was so grossed out (and it takes a LOT!) that I first read "upchucking". Really, we become so complacent about the seeming inherent safety in our everyday lives that some people fail to take the simplest precautions.

A tumor doesn't have those characteristics that you describe, but all too often brain tumors, even benign (non-carcinogenic) ones, can be inoperable, depending on their location and the manner in which they've spread. If they're not encapsulated it can be really bad.