Britain are 3rd in Olympics! Shock F'ing Horror!


Atheist Missionary
Can you believe it? Third???? Someone should test our lot for dope, we never do this well!

Mind you, we have won most of our medals in cycling, rowing and sailing...
Can you believe it? Third???? Someone should test our lot for dope, we never do this well!

Mind you, we have won most of our medals in cycling, rowing and sailing...
chesswatching, endurance sleeping, dentist avoidance...
LOL I hink the UK and China are both conspiring with the refs. Probably a small token left over from when Britain returned Hong Kong without a struggle... :)
Go Team GB. Fourth place. We is good.

Americans fail to win track and field medals without drugs!

Hard luck guys (although you still won about 40 medals).
Go Team GB. Fourth place. We is good.

Americans fail to win track and field medals without drugs!

Hard luck guys (although you still won about 40 medals).

LOL Running is hard! I suck majorly at running and yet the Air Force insists I keep working at it, so I just keep chuggin' along like the Little Engine That Couldn't...

You're only sore because the Chinese are stomping all over you! ha ha ha!
Please. With the program they got going where they steal the kids from the parents and raise them into the sport and 1.3 Billion in population (over four times the US) they should have all the medals. Instead we still get more than they do.
In reality, the actual number one slot ended up going to the USSR. The Soviets (who are apparently out to recapture their lost republics) actually smoked the US and China when you look at the medals their former (and soon to be again) slave states won.
who cares, china won all the golds where is subjective judging like in gymnastics. US won gold in non subjective things like races and volleyball.