Britain Releases UFO Files


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London, England (CNN) -- A hovering Toblerone and a silky-white residue join near-misses and strange lights in the British government's latest release of its files on UFO sightings.

Made public Thursday, the files are the fifth collection of records about unidentified flying objects to be released by the Ministry of Defence and The National Archives as part of a project to open the files up to a wider audience.

Thursday's release is the largest so far, totaling more than 6,000 pages of material from 1994 to 2000.

More at link and video...
I never mentioned it before because I had assumed what I saw was orbiting satellites, but I once saw two cylinders that were silently passing overhead at a really high altitude. I'm not qualified to judge how high up they were, but compared to jets and such they seemed much higher. I watched as the sun shined off them and then back to normal so I know they were metallic and I saw the shapes very clearly. They had to be huge. One of them began to emit what looked like jet exhaust and it proceeded to turn on its axis while maintaining the same direction of flight. This is why I thought they were orbiting outside the atmosphere. I watched the two cylinders fly across the entire sky. it was bright blue cloudless morning just after sunrise and in march I think.

Another ufo I saw was simply a slow moving white sphere. Made no noise at all and i watched until I lost it in the clouds. I happened to see it while I was working. I had taken a break to stretch my back and I was laying on my side looking upward while on a deck outside the home I was working at in Connecticut. It looked exactly like the spheres that are recorded following the space shuttle. It flew into and out of clouds that were as high as those small planes fly through. Not 30K feet, but much lower.

I watched it fly for about 2 minutes
The first one I watched for about twice as long since it crossed the entire horizon.

Cool shit!

For links to videos of the white spheres, google video terms

space shuttle transmissions


for example