Britons seek 'de-baptism'


Villified User
Following atheist trend, Britons seek 'de-baptism'
Mar 29 10:41 PM US/Eastern

More than 100,000 Britons have recently downloaded "certificates of de-baptism" from the Internet to renounce their Christian faith.

The initiative launched by a group called the National Secular Society (NSS) follows atheist campaigns here and elsewhere, including a London bus poster which triggered protests by proclaiming "There's probably no God."
This certificate thing is clearly one of those novelty items that people buy so it looks as though they have a great sense of humour, just like those hilarious bumper stickers informing pedestrians "My other car is a Porsche" or those plastic fingers you stick on the back of your car to suggest to other motorists you're transporting your latest kidnap victim to the scene of their imminent death and subsequent dismemberment. And it makes a little cash for the National Secular Society.

The chap who is taking legal action in order to get himself "de-baptised", as it is a breach of his "human rights", sounds like a right old mental. I'm an atheist and i've been baptised. My "forced" baptism has never had any bearing on anything i've ever done, nobody has ever asked about it (apart from a couple of polls on this very site) and nobody is interested if anyone has had some water dribbled on their head, in a rather draughty building, by a man wearing a frock when they were a baby. Calling it "child abuse" is clearly ridiculous.

Besides don't we all become Mormons when we die anyway?
This certificate thing is clearly one of those novelty items that people buy so it looks as though they have a great sense of humour, just like those hilarious bumper stickers informing pedestrians "My other car is a Porsche" or those plastic fingers you stick on the back of your car to suggest to other motorists you're transporting your latest kidnap victim to the scene of their imminent death and subsequent dismemberment. And it makes a little cash for the National Secular Society.

The chap who is taking legal action in order to get himself "de-baptised", as it is a breach of his "human rights", sounds like a right old mental. I'm an atheist and i've been baptised. My "forced" baptism has never had any bearing on anything i've ever done, nobody has ever asked about it (apart from a couple of polls on this very site) and nobody is interested if anyone has had some water dribbled on their head, in a rather draughty building, by a man wearing a frock when they were a baby. Calling it "child abuse" is clearly ridiculous.

Besides don't we all become Mormons when we die anyway?

I was a baby when I was baptised and my mother said it was a mutual baptism. The minister dribbled water on me and I dribbled water on him....much to my parents embaressment.
I was a baby when I was baptised and my mother said it was a mutual baptism. The minister dribbled water on me and I dribbled water on him....much to my parents embaressment.

I did something similar once.

That's a funeral nobody will ever forget.
I'd like to sell a piece of Mars to the people who bought de-baptism certificates. Making religious symbolism of secularism shows that these people are quite adept at ignoring hypocrisy and logical irregularities such as the fact that I don't actually own Mars, but I'll sell them deeds.
I'd like to sell a piece of Mars to the people who bought de-baptism certificates. Making religious symbolism of secularism shows that these people are quite adept at ignoring hypocrisy and logical irregularities such as the fact that I don't actually own Mars, but I'll sell them deeds.

Hey now do not be scamming people on Mars. I already own the planet.
I'd like to sell a piece of Mars to the people who bought de-baptism certificates. Making religious symbolism of secularism shows that these people are quite adept at ignoring hypocrisy and logical irregularities such as the fact that I don't actually own Mars, but I'll sell them deeds.

How much? I'd like to own a piece of Mars. Probably cheaper than the Lake Norman region.
How much? I'd like to own a piece of Mars. Probably cheaper than the Lake Norman region.
Real cheap, $100 per Acre. I'll send you a nice deed and everything.*

*Deed is for display and entertainment purposes only and cannot be used to determine actual ownership of Mars and/or it's moons or any body orbiting any star within the known universe. Satisfaction cannot be guaranteed and all properties are bought sight unseen with the full knowledge that any attempt to claim the property based on the Deed provided will be met with guffaws, snerks, and outright pointing and laughing by government officials whose job it will be to apportion Martian territory in the future.