Britts push Blair out.... time for us to limit Bush's power.


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The Britts have wised up and Tony Blair's party has forced him to announce a retirement date. This effectivly limits his power and will ensure Britton gets a new leader, most likely one not tied to the mistake of this war!

Although we already know Bush's retirement date, I think the future of his group and the leadership positions they hold are about to be limited. It seems clear to me, noone pushing Bush's particular vision for America will stand a chance at election. When Reagan was done Bush's father was elected to continue the Regan era... that will not happen with Bush Jr.

Bush is already a lame duck, but I belive and hope that November will end any possability of any furtherance of his agenda.
Well congress will limit the presidents power as soon as another demoncrat is in the WH ;)
And no with a republican controlled congress there will be a last minute rush to get their garbage pushed thru if it looks like they will lose control...
Not necessarially, many of them are in the Abramhoff scandal as well and are profiting in one way or another from other schemes of the Rebutlikens.

true, but it would be a first step in the right direction...
If it wasn't for Blair war support I would hope he would be gone soon. He is a socialist and EU suck up. But I see the Conservatives are winning and could take over soon.
Achually in GB the liberal party is pushing Bush out...bc the public is demanding a more liberal PM!
Achually in GB the liberal party is pushing Bush out...bc the public is demanding a more liberal PM!
Not according to what my friend Pheebs has to say... The Tories and Conservatives are gaining while the libs are dropping.
I am not sure that liberal and conservative mean the same thing in jolly old english politics....
The Labour Party and Tories are quite able to be flipped. The Tories new leader even styles himself a "Compassionate Conservative"...

Where have I heard that one before?