Ouch! He’s not going to be happy about this ad.
The material that tRump has given the opposition is simply hilariously absurd. tRump has always been tRump's worst enemy.
Kind of like Joe just talking huh? I guess it more like babbling. Picking a running mate because of color and gender only adds to his racist side and he prbably hates women too as he is always smelling and groping them. So respectful.
Hello guno,
Running up debt is his next favorite thing to do compared to going bankrupt.
I especially laugh st the trumptards that talk about Biden and women while forgetting about Donald "grab'em" by the pu##y" tRump....lol
Kind of like Joe just talking huh? I guess it more like babbling. Picking a running mate because of color and gender only adds to his racist side and he prbably hates women too as he is always smelling and groping them. So respectful.
Showing again you have not listened to him. Biden gave his environmental speech the other day. Could you not understand it? Biden has given many speeches in the last few weeks. Zero babbling. You are going to have to break down and listen to him. You are looking foolish saying such clearly wrong things. Your personal insults are disgusting as you back a person as foul as Trump. You are looking seriously bad.