Brothers Comatose at Venice Beach (evince was there)



I went and saw the Brothers Comatose in late September at a small venue

An after show they did after doing a So Cal festival

I was standing a couple of feet in front of the mandolin player

They killed it of course

These guys are master musicians

A place called Venice West

A couple blocks off Venice Beach

Oh man what a show
This is a song they played among many

No film of the show

I waited to make sure I was not on film

There are no pictures of me on the internet

I make sure of it
They are also very into the old school Dolly Parton style of promoting other fellow musicians

Everywhere they play they try to bring in local talent to join them

Dolly was responsible for uplifting many people of talent

Their on stage energy is always peaking

They live for the music and possess massive talent and precision on their instruments

The violin player is classically trained and possesses a masters in music

These guys are the real deal

They always deliver live