BS remover :)

Good way to end up shot. :good4u:

Right, last time I read the first amendment it didn't say only Liberals had the right to express their opinions. My beef is with the Republican leadership, not with all Republicans. Even given the chance to harm the likes of Rove or Limbaugh, there is no way that I would take it. Those who remove political signs, bumper stickers or put them on another's car against that person's wishes, is only demonstrating their lack of confidence in their convictions. If our cause is just, it will win out. People do change their opinion if allowed to on their own. After all I started out as a Conservative Republican who gave massive amount of time to the re-election campaign of Richard Nixon. If I or my property had been attacked by a Liberal, I doubt that I would have ever changed.
Right, last time I read the first amendment it didn't say only Liberals had the right to express their opinions. My beef is with the Republican leadership, not with all Republicans. Even given the chance to harm the likes of Rove or Limbaugh, there is no way that I would take it. Those who remove political signs, bumper stickers or put them on another's car against that person's wishes, is only demonstrating their lack of confidence in their convictions. If our cause is just, it will win out. People do change their opinion if allowed to on their own. After all I started out as a Conservative Republican who gave massive amount of time to the re-election campaign of Richard Nixon. If I or my property had been attacked by a Liberal, I doubt that I would have ever changed.

I have learned, lo these many years, that no one is going to change; unless they first WANT to change.

The positives for the change, have to out weigh the negatives for things staying they way they are.

For change to work, it must come from within. :medit:
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I have learned, lo these many years, that no one is going to change; unless they first WANT to change.

The positives for the change, have to out weigh the negatives for things staying they way they are.

For change to work, it must come from within. :medit:

I am starting to get scared, we are agreeing on too many things.
is this where we give you a stiff arm to the forehead and you flail away with your arms?
Remember he has a bat. I suspect that the only kind he can lift is one of those tiny souvenir bats sold at AAA Baseball games. He'll yell loudly at you while he does it too.