Build Your Alliance!

Neon Kokugen

New member
Okay let's play a little game, just to get your personal opinion on something, and to get to know you all a little better.

A global war has broken out across the world. Every nation, every man, woman and child has no choice but to fight to survive. Build your alliance to survive, you are going to want to build the biggest, strongest alliance. Have fun with it, make a name for your alliance.

Try to make it as understandable as possible, maybe even put a story behind it. The reason for the alliance.


1. Choose only 5 countries
2. Allowed to comment on other peoples Alliance.
3. Have fun with it.

Choose from these countries.

1 U.S.A.
2 China
3 Russia
4 India
5 U.K.
6 France
7 Germany
8 Brazil
9 Japan
10 Turkey
11 Israel
12 South Korea
13 Italy
14 Indonesia
15 Pakistan
16 Taiwan
17 Egypt
18 Iran
19 Mexico
20 North Korea
21 Sweden
22 Greece
23 Canada
24 Saudi Arabia
25 Ukraine
26 Australia
27 Spain
28 Thailand
29 Denmark
30 Poland
31 Philippines
32 South Africa
33 Argentina
34 Syria
35 Norway
36 Georgia
37 Iraq
38 Venezuela
39 Libya
40 Afghanistan
41 Nepal
42 Lebano

I'll do mine first.

1. U.S.A. - First is a obvious choice because of United States powerful navy and air force power. With there resources to be able to influence any part of the glob, they are a first obvious choice.
2 China - They recently increased military might with there stealth fighters, combined with there powerful army, i think they are a great second.
3 Russia - in recent years there military might may be lacking but I bet there new plan to put in 600 billion dollars to re-arming there military might be a good help.
4 India - Combining there huge population and U.S.A.'s ability to move huge numbers of military, India's numbers can help over-welm any opposition.
5 U.K. - U.K. a obvious ally of U.S.A. and a strategic position in Europe to help against any invasions in the Atlantic.
Assuming it's truly a world war all countries are going to take a hit so I'd make France my home base. Good food, good wine, nice view on the Riviera and, of course, the topless women.

I'd add Italy for the food. They can make a simple pasta dish to die for.

Then I'd add Sweden. Nothing like a tall blond to help take ones mind off their troubles.

China would be a good idea as they can make just about anything. (What would our store shelves look like if we removed everything made in China?!!)

Finally, I'd add Afghanistan. If things went from bad to worse the narcotics would help one slip gently into the night.
US - obvious choice
China - second most powerful country in the world, also obvious
India - not a great economy, but still, at this point you'd have like half the world's population. In a total war situation the amount of people you could draft and the amount you could produce from these three alone would be insane.

Surprisingly, the country with the fourth largest army in the world is NK. But I'll leave them off, because while they have the ability to crush most nations right now, they're suffering to support it, and they don't have much potential for growth.

Russia - Energy, fifth largest military in the world, one of the largest populations. Since Putin has come into office they've actually done surprisingly well economically.

Saudi Arabia - lot's of oil to tie it together. Already have insanely strong military might by now anyway, and seeking more would be supreflous. If you just really wanted more military, you could throw in France or the UK. But good luck finding enough energy for your conquest. In such a situation, your first goal would be to conquer Saudi Arabia or Venezuela anyway.

Russia, Italy, and China can easily build a land route to Saudi Arabia, and pretty soon they will have Asia. The US can probably take on all of the Americas by itself, defend oil shipping routes between it and Saudi Arabia, and blockade other important nations. After they're done they can probably just tell Europe to give up. Africa isn't even worth bothering.

Japan and Germany have good economies, but ever since they lost the war they've been pretty much ignoring their military. The eurozone itself is extremely strong collectively, but there are just better choices than any one of them individually. If I were allowed to pick the EU, it would be an obvious second choice, and I'd bump Russia off the list. An alliance like that wouldn't even be fair - it'd be all the strongest nations in the world besides Japan, Russia, and Canada, and it'd represent like 75% of the world's GDP and almost all of its military power.
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