Bullshitting the Ruse


Loyal to the end
After getting hundreds of these emails I'm finally deciding to play along. Here's the initial ruse:

51-55 Weymouth Street,
Marylebone,West End,


My name is Mr. Andrew Veitch. I got your contact in course of my inquiry to locate relatives of my Deceased Client who died in an auto crash. On the 7th of August 2003 it was reported to us that my Client, his wife and their only daughter were involved in an auto crash. The reason for this is to inherit a Contract Payment Deposits Account of $7.4 million of which the Deceased left in a Finance Firm. This request emerged when the Finance Firm contacted me for the attention of my Deceased Client (perhaps for one reason or the other they have tried to contact him and were unsuccessful) I announced his death and protocols were observed. I was mandated (as the deceased's attorney) to provide the Next of Kin to inherit the Deposits or they will freeze it as" Unclaimed Deposit" Unfortunately, and unknown to the Finance Firm, the Next of Kin was among the dead in the car crash.

But rather than leaving the Deposits/Account frozen hence I seek your help to claim the fund into your Account as you share same names with the Deceased and I have the required Information to execute the transaction under legal process.

Upon the conclusion of this transaction, I will come to your country, for the disbursement of this fund, which 45% of the total amount will be your compensation, while 50% will be my share for the investment I will need your help to establish in your country.

Full Name:-
Full Address:-
Tel No.:-
Private Email:-
Date of Birth:-

Your prompt response is requested.

Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Randall Welch
Barrister Andrew Veitch.QC

This transmission may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution,or use of the information contained herein (including any reliance thereon) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED, if you received this transmission in error, please immediately contact the sender and destroy the material in its entirety,whether is electronic or hard copy format.
His turn:

Dear [my real first name],

Thank you for your prompt response and advice. However i dont need an attorney to help me because i am an attorney all that i need is a partner who has the same lastname with my deceased client whom i can trust to help me prosecute this claim.

Why I contacted you is because the bank gave me a mandate that if I cannot provide the next of kin to my late client that the funds will be declared unserviceable and as such would be confiscated, making you the next of kin to my late client since you have the same last name with my late client and as an attorney it can be easily carried out without any problem and it's going to be a legal process.

I wish to present you as the next of kin to my late client based on the fact that you have the same last name. What I need from you is your trust and total honesty to see that we conclude this transaction. I am capable of handling every aspect of this transaction, no one is asking you to pay any money, So the issue of a ruse does not arise.

I want to give you 100% assurance that your involvement in this transaction will not lead you or me into any breach of the law now or in the future. All would be done legally to avoid any local or international arbitration whatsoever. I have all the necessary legal documents to back up this claim as that I require from you is your cooperation and honesty.

All the paper works required will be processed in your name if you accept this preposition, I wish to inform you that what I have proposed to you is real and you do not have to spend as I am capable of taking care of every aspect of this transfer all that I require is your cooperation. If you are interested in helping me stand as the beneficiary to the fund, I will require you to send the information’s below.

Full Name:-
Full Address:-
Tel No.:-
Private Email:-
Date of Birth:-

Your immediate response is required so that I can begin the process of transfer into your nominated bank account as I have wasted too much time looking for someone to stand as the beneficiary. Note that a transaction of this magnitude cannot be handled only via email I expect that you send a valid telephone number where we can discuss further. Thank you and God bless.

Yours sincerely,
Andrew Veitch.
I don't know how he got my real first name. Its not part of my email address. *shrug*

Join the crowd. I receive similar ones, as well.

As for getting your name it could be from a multitude of places. Almost any place where you gave your first name along with your email address that means anyone can get it as those places sell the info. Be it a social site or a mail order business once the name and email address are linked you're a marked man.
Join the crowd. I receive similar ones, as well.

As for getting your name it could be from a multitude of places. Almost any place where you gave your first name along with your email address that means anyone can get it as those places sell the info. Be it a social site or a mail order business once the name and email address are linked you're a marked man.
I looked and my email response lets him know my real name. I'll be playing the game differently now.
Join the crowd. I receive similar ones, as well.

As for getting your name it could be from a multitude of places. Almost any place where you gave your first name along with your email address that means anyone can get it as those places sell the info. Be it a social site or a mail order business once the name and email address are linked you're a marked man.
Oh you can have a lot of fun with these emails, just like you can with telemarketers.

For example, I'll do the "Grandpa Simpson" routine where I'll talk a little bit about their sales pitch and then ramble on to something completely irrelevent like growing tomatos or how to trap oppossums. It's fun to see how many times the'll respond before they realise their being had. :)
Dear [DY],

How are you today? It’s true that your last name isn’t common and I have not tried looking for an attorney with your last name. Like I said in my previous mail I do not need an attorney to help me prosecute this transaction I have all the necessary legal documents to back up this claim and you have my word that this transaction will be carried out in accordance with the laws. All that I require is someone who shares my client last name who I can trust. While searching for a competent [DY] to help me I stumbled upon your name and am asking that you partner with me on this transaction. What I have proposed to you is real and I that is required from you is your trust and total honesty. I am not asking you pay any fee as I am capable of handling every aspect of this transaction.

If you are interested I would advice that you send the information’s that I have requested in my previous messages.

Thank you and God bless.

Andrew Veitch

What were the names of the deceased? What city and country? Since they have my last name, I probably knew them.

After getting hundreds of these emails I'm finally deciding to play along. Here's the initial ruse:

I get these too.

It's amazing but true, some people fall for this.

I've noticed though that I've been getting a lot less of this the last two weeks. It's almost like someone was busted, or went on vacation.
Dear [DY],

How are you today? It’s true that your last name isn’t common and I have not tried looking for an attorney with your last name. Like I said in my previous mail I do not need an attorney to help me prosecute this transaction I have all the necessary legal documents to back up this claim and you have my word that this transaction will be carried out in accordance with the laws. All that I require is someone who shares my client last name who I can trust. While searching for a competent [DY] to help me I stumbled upon your name and am asking that you partner with me on this transaction. What I have proposed to you is real and I that is required from you is your trust and total honesty. I am not asking you pay any fee as I am capable of handling every aspect of this transaction.

If you are interested I would advice that you send the information’s that I have requested in my previous messages.

Thank you and God bless.

Andrew Veitch

Dear Andrew;

Why thank you. You're a kind young man. No one has been so nice to me since my nephew Vernon came over and caught that oppossum what was livin in the rafters of my garage. He was puttin up a terrible racket and all with my collection of empty beer cans being up there and all. I think you can understand why he tried my patience when that darned varmint chewed up my collection of Billy Beer cans. I'd saved those since 78! So I called Vernin up and he come over with this wire live trap and this oppossum perfume he were gonna use as a lure. WOOOWEEE that stuff stunk to high heaven. I pert near told Vernon I'd rather put up with the racket that damned oppossum were maken but he assured me twern't gonna take long to fetch up that opposum. Sure nuff, next day he had that oppossum in that cage with a silly looking grin on his face and Vernon just pitched him in the back of this F-150 and said he hawl him yonder to the local land fill where a oppossum would be in hog heave. I was relieved to hear that though I did take exception to the oppossum being up in my rafters I didn't want to really see him hurt. So I say's to Vernon "Vernon, thanks buddy" and I gave him an old 6 pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon I had never gotten around to drinking, which reminds me, could I ask you some advise. You bein a lawyer and all. Ya think I should a gived Vernon some cash for his trouble? I were intendin to but my social security check don't come in for another week.

"Southern Man"
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Dear [Damn],

The name of my late client was John [Yankee]. He used to live in and do business in Asia but married a Scottish woman and was living in London until the time of his death. He lost his life along with his wife and daughter while on a vacation.

Do you know all the people who share the same last name with you? Why I contacted you was because I felt I can trust you with this transaction. I don’t want anyone to know that I contacted you in the first place to stand as a beneficiary to my late client. If you are interested in helping me prosecute this deal then I will advice that you send the information’s I have requested, so I can at least file an application with your name as the beneficiary to my late client. I have wasted so much time trying to find you and I need to inform the bank that I have found you so that the funds will not be declared unserviceable and confiscated.

Awaiting your immediate response.

Andrew Veitch.

My records show that there has never been a [Yankee] living in the UK, never mind London, at least in the recent past.

Maybe you have the spelling wrong.

Also, its not hard these days to find folks with such a unique name. Perhaps you should find the real next of kin instead of committing fraud by attempting to claim that its me.


My records show that there has never been a [Yankee] living in the UK, never mind London, at least in the recent past.

Maybe you have the spelling wrong.

Also, its not hard these days to find folks with such a unique name. Perhaps you should find the real next of kin instead of committing fraud by attempting to claim that its me.

Awww you're no fun SM. Try sending him my response and see how many times the idiot will respond to the faux alzheimers case until he realizes he's the one being conned! LOL

It could end up being a truly hilareous email chain. :)
Awww you're no fun SM. Try sending him my response and see how many times the idiot will respond to the faux alzheimers case until he realizes he's the one being conned! LOL

It could end up being a truly hilareous email chain. :)
I'm thinking he's dumb enough to try and convince me he's legit. :)