

Walked out this morning and my 87 toyota 4 runner was gone. Stolen! I hope it's recovered. Just rebuilt the motor and had about 4K on it.

Damn meth heads!
Uy yuy yuy.

Portland is a pretty liberal city. Surely this is why the truck was stolen.
I just hope whoever stole it parts it out and I never see anything again about it. The worst thing will be if it's recovered and it's just a wreck and worth nothing and I'll have a towing bill and storage fees to deal with. Just sucks
Damn, what lousy news. I hope you get it back intact or never see it again.

Sorry to hear about it though.
I just hope whoever stole it parts it out and I never see anything again about it. The worst thing will be if it's recovered and it's just a wreck and worth nothing and I'll have a towing bill and storage fees to deal with. Just sucks

You know, if the thief had stolen your lucky, lucky, glow-in-the-dark snorkle, you'd know he had fled with it to Albuquerque, but this item doesn't indicate any such useful facts. For all you know, the bastard is still in "the city of wha?" (Portland).