Bump Stock Maker Runs President's Day Special

Gun sales dropped after Trump won. The NRA has always scared people by saying the Libs are after their guns. When Obama got elected twice, gun sales soared,.Too bad, Obama took away your guns. Trump won and sales dropped. The NRA may have to rethink their politics.
Gun sales dropped after Trump won. The NRA has always scared people by saying the Libs are after their guns. When Obama got elected twice, gun sales soared,.Too bad, Obama took away your guns. Trump won and sales dropped. The NRA may have to rethink their politics.

I'm a Lib and no one ever asked for my Gun(s) ... maybe it's only The Cons who are giving up their shit.
I'm a Lib and no one ever asked for my Gun(s) ... maybe it's only The Cons who are giving up their shit.

The rightys are paranoid. Nobody is after their home security weapons and hunting rifles. Those assholes in the NRA gave a speech today saying the Left wants to end the 2nd amendment. I missed those rallies. I know of no person saying that. The NRA wants to stir gun owners up by making them think they are under attack from anti gun people. It is total bullshit. But it works on stupid and scared people.

The second amendment is not under siege. It is not in danger of repeal. So gun molesters, stop that shit. The technique uis easy to understand. make it us against them. Those terrible leftys are after your rights, your guns and want to eat your children.