Bungling Biden's America on tape - watch these & judge for yourself

I suspect this is the Biden administration doing what it does on other stuff, like say, Gorebal Warming. They toss out some "expert" opinion that is anything but and then declare the world will end in ten years if we don't [fill in the blank]. Same thing here.

'Oh! The Russians might invade Ukraine next week!' If it doesn't happen, and that's pretty likely going to be the case, they'll wait a week to ten days then trot out a new supposed Russian invasion date. This will go on until they find some other shiny object that gets their attention.
I suspect this is the Biden administration doing what it does on other stuff, like say, Gorebal Warming. They toss out some "expert" opinion that is anything but and then declare the world will end in ten years if we don't [fill in the blank]. Same thing here. 'Oh! The Russians might invade Ukraine next week!' If it doesn't happen, and that's pretty likely going to be the case, they'll wait a week to ten days then trot out a new supposed Russian invasion date. This will go on until they find some other shiny object that gets their attention.

I hope you're right, but the regime is rotten with warmongering neocons.