Bush Accepts Iraq-Vietnam Comparison


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Bush Accepts Iraq-Vietnam Comparison


WASHINGTON, Oct. 18, 2006 — In an ABC News exclusive, President Bush said that a newspaper column comparing the current situation in Iraq and the 1968 Tet Offensive in Vietnam, which was widely seen as the turning point in that war, might be accurate.

Bush Accepts Iraq-Vietnam Comparison


WASHINGTON, Oct. 18, 2006 — In an ABC News exclusive, President Bush said that a newspaper column comparing the current situation in Iraq and the 1968 Tet Offensive in Vietnam, which was widely seen as the turning point in that war, might be accurate.

its worse than vietnam, in a strategic sense.

There's virtually nowhere in iraq, outside the kurdish north, that an american can walk around freely and unescorted.
The only thing that is the same as far as iraq and vietnam are concerned is the media. They are singing the same song now as they did back then.
Not by a long shot Gaffer. the media were all over nam, showing dead american bodies and those of enemies, etc. the media is much more controlled in this war.
He is more honest than Dixie could ever be!

I have a visceral and physical reaction to any statement that claims that Bush is in any sense honest. He is in fact a compulsive liar. I think a more appropriate conceptualization of a comparison of Bush and Dixie as far as relative levels of honesty is concerned would be to say, "They are both equally dishonest."
The most tragically comic thing about this whole shooting match is that, rather than blaming poor strategic thinking and failed tactics, extremists like Gaffer will run around blaming the failure of goddam hippies and the commie media.....
The most tragically comic thing about this whole shooting match is that, rather than blaming poor strategic thinking and failed tactics, extremists like Gaffer will run around blaming the failure of goddam hippies and the commie media.....

and Clinton!
Not by a long shot Gaffer. the media were all over nam, showing dead american bodies and those of enemies, etc. the media is much more controlled in this war.

The media is not controled in this war except by the liberal editors and news directors. They don't show anything unless its negative and anti military. Its the only way in which iraq and vietnam are comparable.
The media is not controled in this war except by the liberal editors and news directors. They don't show anything unless its negative and anti military. Its the only way in which iraq and vietnam are comparable.

Well I will just have to differ in opinion on that issue with you then.
The media is not controled in this war except by the liberal editors and news directors. They don't show anything unless its negative and anti military. Its the only way in which iraq and vietnam are comparable.

I guess it finally had to be the media's fault it certainly couldn't be the fault of anyone in the actual chain of command, it has to be the by-standers and observers who are causing all the murder and destruction.

Hey, the good news is that electricity is now available for a total of roughly 2 hours a day in Baghdad and the latest idea of cleaning out the terrorists and then letting the police and other indigenous security personel take control of the area is failing because, well, those people are leading the death squads that are the source of much of the death and destruction.

So it is firmly proven that the biggest problem in Iraq to date is not the indigenous Iraqi terrorists, or the foreign fighters, or the Shia, or the Sunnis, or even the numerous death squads prowling around the city drilling holes in people's heads before killing them and leaving their naked bodies to be found at daybreak; no the biggest threat to stability and US success in Iraq is the American media.

No doubt about it.
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The media is not controled in this war except by the liberal editors and news directors. They don't show anything unless its negative and anti military. Its the only way in which iraq and vietnam are comparable.

Journalists were embedded in Iraq, unlike Vietnam, which gave the military much more control over their output.

The fact that there is a lot of negative news is because the situation is a fuck up. Strategically it was one of the worst decisions in history, tactically the troop's commanders have failed.

Once again, you blame the media and 'goddam hippies' for YOUR failure.