Bush Administration files Amicus in support of DC Gun Ban.


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That's right friends and republicans, The Bush Administration has filed an Amicus brief asking the Supreme Court to overturn the DC Circuits finding that governments cannot limit gun owership.

Go here


There you will find a link to the Amicus brief asking the court to overturn the DC Court of appeals.

Here is a paragraph from the Brief:

Although the court of appeals correctly held that the Second Amendment protects an individual right, it did not apply the correct standard for evaluating respondent’s Second Amendment claim. Like other provisions of the Constitution that secure individual rights, the Second Amendment’s protection of individual rights does not render all laws limiting gun ownership automatically invalid. To the contrary, the Second Amendment, properly construed, allows for reasonable regulation of firearms, must be interpreted in light of context and history, and is subject to important exceptions, such as the rule that convicted felons may be denied firearms because those persons have never been understood to be within the Amendment’s protections. Nothing in the Second Amendment properly understood—and certainly no principle necessary to decide this case—calls for invalidation of the numerous federal laws regulating firearms.

Those who support the second amendment have no friends in government. They all want the court to say that infringing the right to keep and bear arms is ok regardless of the words in the amendment.
What I think it shows more than anything is that the Republicans only pay lip service to the 2d amendment but are just as involved in limiting the gun ownership of the populace as the dems.
What I think it shows more than anything is that the Republicans only pay lip service to the 2d amendment but are just as involved in limiting the gun ownership of the populace as the dems.

I think it's because republican politicians have to walk the (sometimes) dangerous streets of DC. :)
both parties are generally the same.

Dems tax you and then spend the money on frivolous shit and larger government.

Pubs just deficit spend causing inflation which is like a tax and spend money on frivolous wars.

both parties are financial reckless.