Bush creates jobs in Iraq


Villified User
Iraqi women: Prostituting ourselves to feed our children

By Arwa Damon

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- The women are too afraid and ashamed to show their faces or have their real names used. They have been driven to sell their bodies to put food on the table for their children -- for as little as $8 a day.

Suha, 37, is a mother of three. She says her husband thinks she is cleaning houses when she leaves home.

"People shouldn't criticize women, or talk badly about them," says 37-year-old Suha as she adjusts the light colored scarf she wears these days to avoid extremists who insist women cover themselves. "They all say we have lost our way, but they never ask why we had to take this path."

A mother of three, she wears light makeup, a gold pendant of Iraq around her neck, and an unexpected air of elegance about her.

"I don't have money to take my kid to the doctor. I have to do anything that I can to preserve my child, because I am a mother," she says, explaining why she prostitutes herself.

well this is sickening.

I can honestly say, that bush is the first president in my adult life, who is directly responsible for turning hundreds of thousands of women into widows, and prostitutes.
well this is sickening.

I can honestly say, that bush is the first president in my adult life, who is directly responsible for turning hundreds of thousands of women into widows, and prostitutes.

Sickening is too kind.
will we start feeling guilty enough to pull out and then start adopting Iraqi Orphans ?

You know, that's the first thing that came to my mind when I read your article:

That we should allow Iraqi widows created by bush's war to come over here...rich republicans who supported the war, can and should offer to host these women in their homes and support them, until these women can get back their bearings.
You know, that's the first thing that came to my mind when I read your article:

That we should allow Iraqi widows created by bush's war to come over here...rich republicans who supported the war, can and should offer to host these women in their homes and support them, until these women can get back their bearings.

yeah that would go over as well as a truckload of dead babies on mothers day.

After all they are doing ok for poor people.