Bush Death Watch: Countdown!


Hey, it's Friday.

It's official: Less than one year until history slaps Dubya to the curb. Can you feel the tingle?

It's just that kind of feeling, that sense of hesitant, embryonic optimism, the sense that says, oh my God, we as a culture and a smash-mouthed, war-hammered society really are fast approaching something possibly, potentially, heart-achingly new and different and — because it cannot get any worse — just a little bit better.

Here is my suggestion: Mark your calendars, set your watch, program a celebratory ringtone well in advance, because the countdown has officially begun.

It is now less than one calendar year until the next presidential election. It is less than one year until the country finally takes a deep breath and flexes its atrophied muscles and opens its bloody, Cheney-punched mouth and lets it be known to the world, to the universe, to its own numb and dejected soul just exactly how unwell it has felt, how much pain has raked its heart, lo, these past seven (eight, by then) years, by ushering in an entirely new political era, as we all exhale a massive sigh of long overdue relief that — praise Jesus, Allah, Buddha and the devil all at once — the long national nightmare of George W. Bush is finally over.

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I don't remember reading Morford during the '90's. Do you know what he talked about back then (pre-Bush)?
LOL! Not a clue. I think he may have been spontaneously generated from the forehead of Kurt Vonnegut at the moment the Supreme Court decision enthroned Bush.