Bush Determines Some Thoughts Are Unacceptable


Senior Member
Today Bush said, in referring to what Colin Powell said about the United States losing its moral position, that it is now "unacceptable to think" certain thoughts in the United States. Have we really gotten to 1984 in 2006? Have certain thoughts now become unacceptable? Are the Republicans going to institute thought crimes???

BUSH: "It's unacceptable to think that there's any kind of comparison between the behavior of the United States of America and the action of Islamic extremists who kill innocent women and children to achieve an objective."

Hasn't Bush killed hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women, and children in Iraq and AAfghanistan in his quest for Osama Bin Laden who he now claims is no longer important as a target in our war on terror, which has evidently accepted nearly everyone else in that part of the world as a target in our quest for revenge??? Bush's own private version of "Kill Bill"!!!!!

Aren't hundreds more dying each day as a result of Bush's own private wars of revenge???
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I won't go so far as to call the PNAC inspired invasion and occupation of Iraq Bush's own secret war of revenge, but there can be no doubt it is the most counterproductive foreign policy initiative in our nation's history.

It has done little to nothing of any good and has done enormous harm to our country and theirs.
Hasn't Bush killed hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women, and children in Iraq and AAfghanistan in his quest for Osama Bin Laden who he now claims is no longer important as a target in our war on terror, which has evidently accepted nearly everyone else in that part of the world as a target in our quest for revenge—Bush's own version of "Kill Bill"!!!!!

At first, I thought this was a question, it certainly starts out like one, but it doesn't end with a question mark, so it must just be a ranting statement. I was disappointed, I wanted to answer the question! President Bush hasn't killed anyone, hte wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have very little to do with Ossama Bin Laden personally, and Bush has never myopically focused on one man, like pinhead liberals have, so he hasn't been on a "quest" of any kind, except the quest for freedom and democracy in the Arab world. Liberal pinheads seem to be the only ones bent on revenge, because OBL is the only person they find important in the War on Terror.

But then, this was a statement and not a question.
Typical lib rant that has no meaning or any connection to reality. Just a bunch of misleading statements strung together.
Hasn't Bush killed hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women, and children in Iraq and AAfghanistan in his quest for Osama Bin Laden who he now claims is no longer important as a target in our war on terror, which has evidently accepted nearly everyone else in that part of the world as a target in our quest for revenge—Bush's own version of "Kill Bill"!!!!!

At first, I thought this was a question, it certainly starts out like one, but it doesn't end with a question mark, so it must just be a ranting statement. I was disappointed, I wanted to answer the question! President Bush hasn't killed anyone, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have very little to do with Ossama Bin Laden personally, and Bush has never myopically focused on one man, like pinhead liberals have, so he hasn't been on a "quest" of any kind, except the quest for freedom and democracy in the Arab world. Liberal pinheads seem to be the only ones bent on revenge, because OBL is the only person they find important in the War on Terror.

But then, this was a statement and not a question.

Really is that what you think? First I thought those wars were after 9-11 and a result of 9-11 and the reason we went into Afghanistan was to find and kill Osama bin Laden. And one of the reasons we went into Iraq was because Saddam had ties to the terrorists in Al Qaeda. But now you are telling me "Bush has never myopically focused on one man" and Bush didn't care about Osama and he wasn't on a quest. Really? Let's let Bush speak for himself on that shall we because these three quotations seem to belie that claim:

"The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him."
- G.W. Bush, 9/13/01

"I want justice...There's an old poster out West, as I recall, that said, 'Wanted: Dead or Alive,'"
- G.W. Bush, 9/17/01, UPI

"...Secondly, he is not escaping us. This is a guy, who, three months ago, was in control of a county [sic]. Now he's maybe in control of a cave. He's on the run. Listen, a while ago I said to the American people, our objective is more than bin Laden. But one of the things for certain is we're going to get him running and keep him running, and bring him to justice. And that's what's happening. He's on the run, if he's running at all. So we don't know whether he's in cave with the door shut, or a cave with the door open -- we just don't know...."
- Bush, in remarks in a Press Availablity with the Press Travel Pool,
The Prairie Chapel Ranch, Crawford TX, 12/28/01, as reported on
official White House site

Seems like bin Laden was important at some point doesn't it??? I guess the only part of the post that you thought you could defend was this little bit about bin Laden. And you sure kicked my ass on that didn't you. That "never" sort of messed you up didn't it? Better to leave such hyperbolic language out, it is almost always wrong. Too bad you didn't decide to take on the part where Bush says it's "unacceptable to think" anything that he doesn't approve of...

That's a little harder for you isn't it? So you of the confederate flag head wrap decided to leave that one be, HuH? If you think that Bush's wars are about bringing democracy to the Middle East how about a little Democracy here at home???

Or is that another idea that is "unacceptable to think"????

Come on you righties defend a president of the United States saying that some ideas are "unacceptable to think"!!!!
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I think you shut them up with that one prakosh!

and I wish Dixie would stop his pretense of ignoring me so that he doesn't ever have to answer my questions - he quoted me on here just the other day, so you know that "ignore maineman" bullshit is just a ruse ...

I wonder how that multicultural Jeffersonian democracy is going in Iraq? Has it started shining like a beacon of freedom into all the dark places in the Islamic world yet? And if not, when can we expect that phenomenon to start occuring?

Or will Dixie admit that the idea of cramming democracy at the point of a gun down the throat of an Iraqi population separated by a great divide of sectarian hatred - while certainly well meaning in its ignorant unenlightened sort of way - was really a dumbass thing to do and has only resulted in bloody civil war that will eventually lead to a shiite theocracy aligned with a regionally empowered Iran?
I think you shut them up with that one prakosh!

and I wish Dixie would stop his pretense of ignoring me so that he doesn't ever have to answer my questions - he quoted me on here just the other day, so you know that "ignore maineman" bullshit is just a ruse ...

I wonder how that multicultural Jeffersonian democracy is going in Iraq? Has it started shining like a beacon of freedom into all the dark places in the Islamic world yet? And if not, when can we expect that phenomenon to start occuring?

Or will Dixie admit that the idea of cramming democracy at the point of a gun down the throat of an Iraqi population separated by a great divide of sectarian hatred - while certainly well meaning in its ignorant unenlightened sort of way - was really a dumbass thing to do and has only resulted in bloody civil war that will eventually lead to a shiite theocracy aligned with a regionally empowered Iran?

Things are getting better. Remember how some of the righties were claiming that the Middle East was stuck in the middle ages and with our superior technology and new warfare we were going to make short work of the whole middel east etc. The war would be a cakewalk etc. The latest idea to win the war in Iraq is to get this---dig a trench around the whole city of Baghdad in order to prevent anyone from coming in or leaving. I guess the next thing is a twenty foot high wall and a moat! Call it Castle Baghdad!!!!!!