APP - Bush family shows McCains what class is


They not only invited President Trump they refused to allow this to be a bash fest of our current President.


Because unlike the McCain family, the Bush family has class and they realize that today is about remembering a great man not trying to score cheap political points.

It is a shame that our JPP brethren on the left can’t understand this simple concept. Every post about our former 41 have always been in the context of trying to tear down our current President. It is shameful.
They not only invited President Trump they refused to allow this to be a bash fest of our current President.


Because unlike the McCain family, the Bush family has class and they realize that today is about remembering a great man not trying to score cheap political points.

It is a shame that our JPP brethren on the left can’t understand this simple concept. Every post about our former 41 have always been in the context of trying to tear down our current President. It is shameful.

First off, I'm a Canadian but I can certainly be considered as 'on the left'. So I hope I qualify to answer your comment on the left always scoring cheap shots?

I would agree that a funeral is not a place to score cheap shots. But I'm wondering if that's the priority here, to condemn cheap shots. It seems to me that politics in America has descended to cheap shots on all sides. And fwiw, your signature photo comes across as a cheap shot on this section of the forum, just as a leftist photo with the same purpose would also come across as a cheap shot. However, I do understand that taking down a signature in order to not convey that sort of political sentiment is not usually expected and not usually done.

I'm now of the opinion that the regular section of the forum is not for me and so I'm going to take a shot at this section. However, I'm going to be coveying a more leftish POV and I'm hoping that can be tolerated here. So let's see how that works out? I think it can have a positive effect of expanding the discussion on this section for what it appears to be now.

I'll address the issue of this thread more completely after I get the general feeling on how this section is going to operate.