Bush Gets a Visit


This makes me sick. We have heard this line a lot "if the dems don't believe in the war, they must cut off funding, anything else is immoral". It started out with Tucker Carlson and Pat Buchanon and spread through the rest of the punditry, until it landed in the cheap seats on the internet. Now, anyone who is anybody is saying it darling.

In the meantime, we have a load of Republicans who will bolt this war, and soon, in order to save their seats. So, what do they believe? If they believed in the war, they'd stick it out, wouldn't they? Their constituents turned against it, and so, like worms, they begin to turn too. But when their constitutents were all for it, and were driving around calling people like me traitors? Well then, they were all for it too.

They sent people to die, because it was "all the rage" that season. That is what they did. But no outrage from Tucker Carlson, Pat Buchanon and the internet crowd.

G.O.P. Moderates Warn Bush Iraq Must Show Gains
WASHINGTON, May 9 — Moderate Republicans gave President Bush a blunt warning on his Iraq policy at a private White House meeting this week, telling the president that conditions needed to improve markedly by fall or more Republicans would desert him on the war.

The White House session demonstrated the grave unease many Republicans are feeling about the war, even as they continue to stand with the president against Democratic efforts to force a withdrawal of forces through a spending measure that has been a flash point for weeks.

Participants in the Tuesday meeting between Mr. Bush, senior administration officials and 11 members of a moderate bloc of House Republicans said the lawmakers were unusually candid with the president, telling him that public support for the war was crumbling in their swing districts.

One told Mr. Bush that voters back home favored a withdrawal even if it meant the war was judged a loss. Representative Tom Davis told Mr. Bush that the president’s approval rating was at 5 percent in one section of his northern Virginia district.

“It was a tough meeting in terms of people being as frank as they possibly could about their districts and their feelings about where the American people are on the war,” said Representative Ray LaHood of Illinois, who took part in the session, which lasted more than an hour in the residential section of the White House. “It was a no-holds-barred meeting.”

Several of the Republican moderates who visited the White House have already come under political attack at home for their support of Mr. Bush and survived serious Democratic challenges in November.

Representative Charles W. Dent of Pennsylvania, a co-chairman of the Tuesday Group, an alliance of about 30 moderate Republican lawmakers, helped arrange the meeting. He said lawmakers wanted to convey the frustration and impatience with the war they are hearing from voters. “We had a very frank conversation about the situation in Iraq,” he said. Even so, the Republicans who attended the White House session indicated that they would maintain solidarity with Mr. Bush for now by opposing the latest Democratic proposal for two-stage financing of war, which is scheduled for a vote on Thursday in the House.

Lawmakers said Mr. Bush made no commitments, but seemed grateful for their support and said a precipitous withdrawal from Iraq could cause the sort of chaos that occurred in Southeast Asia after Americans left Vietnam. The lawmakers said that Mr. Bush and others at the meeting — including Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, the political adviser Karl Rove and National Security Adviser Stephen J. Hadley — appeared to appreciate the political reality facing Republicans who will be on the ballot next year.

“It was very healthy,” said Representative John A. Boehner of Ohio, the House Republican leader, who attended but let the moderates do most of the talking.

“I walked away from it feeling I got a chance to make my points,” Mr. Davis said.

The delegation included Representatives Mark Kirk of Illinois, another leader of the moderate coalition; Jim Gerlach of Pennsylvania; James T. Walsh of New York; and Jo Ann Emerson of Missouri. Mr. Kirk, Mr. Walsh and Ms. Emerson declined to discuss the meeting.

Lawmakers said Mr. Bush made no commitments, but seemed grateful for their support and said a precipitous withdrawal from Iraq could cause the sort of chaos that occurred in Southeast Asia after Americans left Vietnam

uhhh....that ended up being bad for the United States...HOW?

We're on good terms with vietnam now, and their a good trading partner with us. They don't threaten their neighbors or the region. They never became a soviet puppet or client state. What would the point have been, to stay there and keep fighting for five more years?

Lawmakers said Mr. Bush made no commitments, but seemed grateful for their support and said a precipitous withdrawal from Iraq could cause the sort of chaos that occurred in Southeast Asia after Americans left Vietnam

uhhh....that ended up being bad for the United States...HOW?

We're on good terms with vietnam now, and their a good trading partner with us. They don't threaten their neighbors or the region. They never became a soviet puppet or client state. What would the point have been, to stay there and keep fighting for five more years?

I just love it when those who did not serve have all the answers about VN...

for cippie...study hard: http://25thaviation.org/id275.htm

and www.grunt.com/scuttlebutt/corps-stories/vietnam/north.asp

Side note: I dedicate the parody song ...'Mr.Custer' to Cippie..I believe it was done by a guy named Vern(Larry Verne)...lol
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LOL - come back and play when you have a serious link.

btw: We've already established that you invented a fantasy vietnam combat career to go with your invented online personality. You claimed that we were "six months away from victory in 1975" in Vietnam. Yet, there were no US forces in vietnam in 1975. The war ended for us, in January 1973, more than two years earlier.

A decorated vietnam vet would have known when the war was actually fought - unlike you ;)
Serious link eh'...lol

Did you read the link 25thaviation...along with the other...do you have a aversion to Marines???I don't I was Army but respected the Marines as well...and what unit did cippie serve in???Never mind ya probably are akin to Lt.Kerry...LMAO

Side note: I almost forgot...me 1st Cav...and you were what???come back little buddy! And by the way who is "WE" established???
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Did you read the link 25thaviation...along with the other...do you have a aversion to Marines???I don't I was Army but respected the Marines as well...and what unit did cippie serve in???Never mind ya probably are akin to Lt.Kerry...LMAO

Side note: I almost forgot...me 1st Cav...and you were what???come back little buddy! And by the way who is "WE" established???

.and what unit did cippie serve in?

Why, the same as you: NONE.

The difference between you and I is simply that I don't have to invent an online persona, with a fantasy vietnam combat career to compensate for shortcomings in my real life. :clink:

.and what unit did cippie serve in?

Why, the same as you: NONE.

The difference between you and I is simply that I don't have to invent an online persona, with a fantasy vietnam combat career to compensate for shortcomings in my real life. :clink:

The difference is I did serve...and I was a actual Fed(LE)...and I have a DD214 and retirement papers to prove it...along with a VA disability pension...so little buddy the truth has surfaced...ya are a fraud...with little if any experience to draw from(bluffing is so unbecoming)...have a great afternoon with the lib ladies though...lol
In case BeetleBailey missed it, we have a tradition of civilian control of the military in this nation. Those who haven't "served" (sic) are supposed to make these decisions.

Most Americans haven't "served" (sic). BFD. Unless you're willing to posit an invasion by a bunch of really stupid intergalactic insects, this fact is largely immaterial. Actually, it would be anyway, but I've too much latent respect for RAH to press the point.

In case BeetleBailey missed it, we have a tradition of civilian control of the military in this nation. Those who haven't "served" (sic) are supposed to make these decisions.

Most Americans haven't "served" (sic). BFD. Unless you're willing to posit an invasion by a bunch of really stupid intergalactic insects, this fact is largely immaterial. Actually, it would be anyway, but I've too much latent respect for RAH to press the point.

However your sig line says all...'Herman the German'...Gestapo anyone...:tongout: